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Aug 29, 2001
I have just installed 2 256MB memory cards and now have a total of 768MB installed. I ran a Norton diagnostic that reported: Error Detected at Address 138112448. When I ran the diagnostic over, there I got the same message with a new number. I ran several times - the number always starts with 139.

Then I ran Dell Diagnostics and the memory pass the three Memory tests they have. So the two questions I have are:

1 - Is my computers memory OK?
2 - What can I do to have my computer take advantage of the increased memory.

Thanks for any help.
If your Dell diags pass the memory ok, and the computer appears to boot up and run applications ok, then I'd ignore the results from Norton. Only suggestion would be to contact Norton and ask them what their error code means...

You asked what you can do to take advantage of the increased amount of memory. You didn't state what op system you're running, but probably the best thing to do would be to increase your swapfile (pagefile).

Maybe we can turn the question around, and ask you what prompted you to add more memory? Were you experiencing difficulties with some apps? Or did they fall off the back of a lorry? :))

Thank you, I appreciate the advise. Actually, I had no computer problems at all. I added the memory only because the price was so cheap. I hoped for more speed. I think I may seem some small improvement in Photoshop - but that's pretty much all I see.

I am running Windows 98SE. I dread changing my operating system, but maybe it is time. Any suggestions?
Your Computer is fine. Unless something else is going terribly awry, I'd ignore Norton. As per the further use of your memory? It depends on your OS and your motherboard. For example, I have an Abit SAR-R, this model will only recognize 512 MB. This means that I could put in 1.5 Gigs, and it would only use a third of it. Find out what brand and model motherboard you have, and check its specs.
Also, as operating systems progress in time, they make use of more and more memory and system overhead. Win98 will only use and recognize up to 512 MB, for example. Windows 2000 or ME may be a better choice for you. I hope this helped.
I did a little more research and - guess what? The version of Norton I have won't perform a memory test on over 256MB memory. That info was buried in their web site, so it looks like my memory is working ok.

Thanks Enigma666, shakenama, & GOAOZ. I appreciate your help.
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