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Is it possible to stop my code from flickering?

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Aug 19, 2001
Whenever I move a window, it flickers horribly, i feel like it will give a seizure.

mousestatus lb%, rb%, mb%, x%, y%
mouse "update"
IF oldx <> x% OR oldy <> y% THEN
xchg = x% - oldx
ychg = y% - oldy
wx2(1) = wx2(1) + xchg 'moves the coordinates of window
wy2(1) = wy2(1) + ychg 'ditto
PUT (wx(1),wy(1)), back, PSET 'restores old background
wx(1) = wx(1) + xchg
wy(1) = wy(1) + ychg
GET (wx(1),wy(1))-(wx2(1),wy2(1)), back 'gets new one
PUT (wx(1),wy(1)), front, PSET 'puts down most of window
'there are a few LINE,PSET here to finish restoring window
mouse &quot;update&quot;
oldx = x%
oldy = y%
LOOP UNTIL lb% = 0

What I want to know is: Is it possible to write to the screen, but not the monitor.

That's not very clear so here's an example thats along the same lines

OUT 966, 0 'turns off monitor
LINE (10,10)-(40,40), 12, BF 'doesn't show up
OUT 966, 255 ' turns on monitor and reveals a box

I want something like that, but without the monitor going black, but any other help would be greatly appreciated

I know about PCOPY, but...it doesn't work, I am using screen 12.
If you don't mind severe hacking and restricting yourself to structures that are a multiple of 8 pixels wide to reduce computation, you can always render directly to a [tt]GET/PUT[/tt] graphics buffer. The format is planar, and relatively simple, but you will need to be familiar with bit manipulation to implement it. Your best bet is to try setting single pixels in different places with only a single bit of the colour information set, [tt]GET[/tt]ting it and examining the resulting buffer. If you then render the entire image to the array in memory and [tt]PUT[/tt] it as a single unit, you should be able to completely avoid flickering. I have not actually done this in [tt]SCREEN 12[/tt] before, though I have done it in [tt]SCREEN 13[/tt] (which is immensely simpler, since each pixel occupies a full byte and the mode is not planar). If you'd like, I could play around a bit and come up with a working demo.
A working demo would be great. I don't fully understand how you would stop flickering all-together, it would still have to rePUT the background.
' SCREEN 12 GET/PUT buffer format:
' Offset | Size/Type | Description
' 0 | WORD | The number of pixels horizontally X
' 2 | WORD | The number of pixels vertically Y
' 4 | Y * ROW | Image data
' ROW format:
' Each row is X pixels wide. The data is stored in a packed planar format,
' which means that each successive bit of the colour goes into the same
' bit of a different plane. Each row of each plane is padded out to the
' next byte boundary. The number of padding bits is P = 7 - (X MOD 8). The
' total number of bits in each row of each plane is thus R = X + P.
' Mathematically, this is guaranteed to be an exact multiple of 8, and thus
' a non-fractional number of bytes.
' Bit Offset | Size | Description
' 0 * R + 0 | X * BIT | Pixel data for plane 0
'(0 * R + X | P * BIT | Padding (ignored) )
' 1 * R + 0 | X * BIT | Pixel data for plane 1
'(1 * R + X | P * BIT | Padding (ignored) )
' 2 * R + 0 | X * BIT | Pixel data for plane 1
'(2 * R + X | P * BIT | Padding (ignored) )
' 3 * R + 0 | X * BIT | Pixel data for plane 1
'(3 * R + X | P * BIT | Padding (ignored) )
' Thus, the number of bytes needed to store 1 row of a GET/PUT buffer in
' SCREEN 12 is the number of bytes needed to store the bits in one row of
' one plane times the number of planes, which is 4:
' rowPlaneBytes% = (imgWidth% + 7) \ 8
' rowBytes% = rowPlaneBytes% * 4
' ...all times the number of rows in the image:
' imgBytes% = imgHeight% * rowBytes%
' ...plus 4 bytes for the GET/PUT header:
' bufSize% = 4 + imgBytes%
' All of the functions other than the non-Bounds Mem functions do bounds
' checking on the input and throw an 'ERROR 5' if the array bounds are
' violated.

DECLARE SUB makeBuf (buf%(), source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB makeBufOfs (buf%(), ofs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB makeMemBufBounds (segm%, offs%, bytes%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB makeMemBuf (segm%, offs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)

DECLARE SUB setBufPixel (buf%(), x%, y%, c%)
DECLARE SUB setBufOfsPixel (buf%(), ofs%, x%, y%, c%)
DECLARE SUB setMemBufBoundsPixel (segm%, offs%, bytes%, x%, y%, c%)
DECLARE SUB setMemBufPixel (segm%, BYVAL offs%, x%, y%, c%)

DECLARE SUB setBufSize (buf%(), w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB setBufOfsSize (buf%(), ofs%, w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB setMemBufBoundsSize (segm%, offs%, bytes%, w%, h%)
DECLARE SUB setMemBufSize (segm%, offs%, w%, h%)


DIM SHARED maskOff%(7), maskOn%(7)
pow2% = 1
FOR i% = 7 TO 0 STEP -1
maskOff%(i%) = NOT pow2%
maskOn%(i%) = pow2%
pow2% = pow2% + pow2%

DIM buf%(5203), sourceImage%(99, 99)

'First, set up the source image
PRINT &quot;Hello,&quot;
PRINT &quot; world!&quot;
COLOR 12: PRINT &quot;S&quot;;
COLOR 14: PRINT &quot;o&quot;;
COLOR 10: PRINT &quot;m&quot;;
COLOR 11: PRINT &quot;e&quot;
COLOR 9: PRINT &quot;c&quot;;
COLOR 13: PRINT &quot;o&quot;;
COLOR 12: PRINT &quot;l&quot;;
COLOR 14: PRINT &quot;o&quot;;
COLOR 10: PRINT &quot;u&quot;;
COLOR 11: PRINT &quot;r&quot;;
COLOR 9: PRINT &quot;s&quot;

LINE (20, 60)-(70, 30), 6
LINE -(50, 90), 6
LINE -(20, 60), 6
PAINT (30, 60), 12, 6

LINE (-1, -1)-(100, 100), 15, B
LOCATE 15, 1
PRINT &quot;^^ The image in the box will be captured&quot;
PRINT &quot;This is SCREEN 13 (320x200x256), but&quot;
PRINT &quot;since it uses only colours 0 through 15,&quot;
PRINT &quot;the image data itself can be displayed&quot;
PRINT &quot;in SCREEN 12. Of course, the GET/PUT&quot;
PRINT &quot;buffers will be incompatible.&quot;
PRINT &quot;Press any key to continue&quot;

'Then copy it into memory as a simple 2D array
x% = 0 TO 99
FOR y% = 0 TO 99
sourceImage%(x%, y%) = POINT(x%, y%)


'Now convert the array into a GET/PUT buffer...
makeBuf buf%(), sourceImage%(), 0, 0, 100, 100

'...and draw it to the screen
LINE (0, 0)-(101, 101), 15, B '(with an outline)
(1, 1), buf%, PSET

8, 1
PRINT &quot;This buffer was copied&quot;
PRINT &quot;from a simple 2D array&quot;
PRINT &quot;captured from the&quot;
PRINT &quot;SCREEN 13 graphic&quot;
&quot;Press any key to draw&quot;
PRINT &quot;a circle onto the&quot;
PRINT &quot;buffer&quot;


'Now draw a circle with colours alternating to verify that
'the different bit planes were successfully accessed...

c% = 1
FOR angle# = 0 TO 6.283185 STEP .01
x% = 50 + 48 * COS(angle#)
y% = 50 - 48 * SIN(angle#)
setBufPixel buf%(), x%, y%, c%
counter% = counter% + 1
IF counter% = 50 THEN
counter% = 0
c% = (c% MOD 15) + 1

'..and then show the new buffer in a different location for comparison.
LINE (200, 0)-(301, 101), 15, B
(201, 1), buf%, PSET

8, 25: PRINT &quot;Same buffer; the pixels&quot;
LOCATE 9, 25: PRINT &quot;were overwritten in-place&quot;
LOCATE 10, 25: ' for readability
LOCATE 11, 25: PRINT &quot;Press any key to exit&quot;


0: WIDTH 80, 25

' Takes a 2D array source%(x%, y%) where each entry corresponds to one pixel
' and writes it into the specified buffer in GET/PUT-compatible format.

SUB makeBuf (buf%(), source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
makeBufOfs buf%(), 0, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%

' Takes a 2D array source%(x%, y%) where each entry corresponds to one pixel
' and writes it into the specified buffer at the specified offset in
' GET/PUT-compatible format.

makeBufOfs (buf%(), ofs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
bytes% = UBOUND(buf%) - ofs% + 1
makeMemBufBounds VARSEG(buf%(ofs%)), VARPTR(buf%(ofs%)), bytes%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%

' Takes a 2D array source%(x%, y%) where each entry corresponds to one pixel
' and writes the specified region of it into the buffer at the specified
' memory address in GET/PUT-compatible format.

makeMemBuf (segm%, BYVAL offs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
DEF SEG = segm%
POKE offs% + 0, w% AND 255
POKE offs% + 1, n&(w%) \ 256
POKE offs% + 2, h% AND 255
POKE offs% + 3, n&(h%) \ 256
offs% = offs% + 4

rowPlaneBytes% = (w% + 7) \ 8
rowBytes% = rowPlaneBytes% * 4
rowStart% = offs% + y% * rowBytes%
FOR yy% = 0 TO h% - 1
planeOffset% = rowStart%
FOR xx% = 0 TO w% - 1 STEP 8
plane0Byte% = 0
plane1Byte% = 0
plane2Byte% = 0
plane3Byte% = 0

FOR k% = 0 TO 7
IF xx% + k% >= w% THEN EXIT FOR
c% = source%(x% + xx% + k%, y% + yy%)
IF c% AND 1 THEN plane0Byte% = plane0Byte% OR maskOn%(k%)
IF c% AND 2 THEN plane1Byte% = plane1Byte% OR maskOn%(k%)
IF c% AND 4 THEN plane2Byte% = plane2Byte% OR maskOn%(k%)
IF c% AND 8 THEN plane3Byte% = plane3Byte% OR maskOn%(k%)

POKE planeOffset% + 0 * rowPlaneBytes%, plane0Byte%
POKE planeOffset% + 1 * rowPlaneBytes%, plane1Byte%
POKE planeOffset% + 2 * rowPlaneBytes%, plane2Byte%
POKE planeOffset% + 3 * rowPlaneBytes%, plane3Byte%

planeOffset% = planeOffset% + 1
NEXT xx%
rowStart% = rowStart% + rowBytes%
NEXT yy%

' Takes a 2D array source%(x%, y%) where each entry corresponds to one pixel
' and writes the specified region of it into the buffer at the specified
' memory address in GET/PUT-compatible format, checking the buffer size
' first.

makeMemBufBounds (segm%, offs%, bytes%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
headerBytes% = 4
rowPlaneBytes% = (w% + 7) \ 8
rowBytes% = rowPlaneBytes% * 4
imageBytes% = h% * rowBytes%
totalBytes% = headerBytes% + imageBytes%
IF bytes% < totalBytes% THEN ERROR 5

lastX% = x% + w% - 1
lastY% = y% + h% - 1
lastPossibleX% = UBOUND(source%, 1)
lastPossibleY% = UBOUND(source%, 2)
IF (x% < LBOUND(source%, 1)) OR (y% < LBOUND(source%, 2)) THEN ERROR 5
IF (lastX% > lastPossibleX%) OR (lastY% > lastPossibleY%) THEN ERROR 5

makeMemBuf segm%, offs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%

n& (x%)
IF x% < 0 THEN n& = x% + 65536 ELSE n& = x%

' Sets the specified pixel in the buffer at the specified offset to the
' specified colour.

setBufOfsPixel (buf%(), ofs%, x%, y%, c%)
bytes% = UBOUND(buf%) - ofs% + 1
setMemBufBoundsPixel VARSEG(buf%(ofs%)), VARPTR(buf%(ofs%)), bytes%, x%, y%, c%

' Initializes the specified buffer at the specified offset to the specified
' size. The contents of the associated memory are not erased.

setBufOfsSize (buf%(), ofs%, w%, h%)
bytes% = UBOUND(buf%) - ofs% + 1
setMemBufBoundsSize VARSEG(buf%(ofs%)), VARPTR(buf%(ofs%)), bytes%, w%, h%

' Sets the specified pixel in the specified buffer to the specified colour.
setBufPixel (buf%(), x%, y%, c%)
setBufOfsPixel buf%(), 0, x%, y%, c%

' Initializes the specified buffer to the specified size. The contents of the
' associated memory are not erased.

setBufSize (buf%(), w%, h%)
setBufOfsSize buf%(), 0, w%, h%

' Sets the specified pixel in the buffer at the specified memory address to
' the specified colour, ensuring that the pixel lies within the buffer's
' bounds first.

setMemBufBoundsPixel (segm%, offs%, bytes%, x%, y%, c%)
DEF SEG = segm%
imgWidth% = PEEK(offs%) + PEEK(offs% + 1) * 256
imgHeight% = PEEK(offs% + 2) + PEEK(offs% + 3) * 256
IF (x% < 0) OR (x% >= imgWidth%) THEN ERROR 5
IF (y% < 0) OR (y% >= imgHeight%) THEN ERROR 5
setMemBufPixel segm%, offs%, x%, y%, c%

' Initializes the buffer at the specified memory location to the
' specified size, checking that the specified location can hold a
' buffer of that size first.

setMemBufBoundsSize (segm%, offs%, bytes%, w%, h%)
rowPlaneBytes% = (w% + 7) \ 8
rowBytes% = rowPlaneBytes% * 4
imgBytes% = 4 + h% * rowBytes%
IF bytes% < imgBytes% THEN ERROR 5
setMemBufSize segm%, offs%, w%, h%

' Sets the specified pixel of the buffer at the specified memory
' location to the specified colour.

setMemBufPixel (segm%, BYVAL offs%, x%, y%, c%)
DEF SEG = segm%
imgWidth% = PEEK(offs%) + PEEK(offs% + 1) * 256
offs% = offs% + 2
imgHeight% = PEEK(offs%) + PEEK(offs% + 1) * 256
offs% = offs% + 2
rowPlaneBytes% = (imgWidth% + 7) \ 8
rowBytes% = rowPlaneBytes% * 4
rowOffs% = offs% + y% * rowBytes%
planeByteOffs% = x% \ 8
planeBitOffs% = x% AND 7

thisPlaneByteOffs% = rowOffs% + planeByteOffs%
IF (c% AND 1) THEN
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%)) OR maskOn%(planeBitOffs%)
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%))

thisPlaneByteOffs% = thisPlaneByteOffs% + rowPlaneBytes%
IF (c% AND 2) THEN
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%)) OR maskOn%(planeBitOffs%)
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%))

thisPlaneByteOffs% = thisPlaneByteOffs% + rowPlaneBytes%
IF (c% AND 4) THEN
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%)) OR maskOn%(planeBitOffs%)
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%))

thisPlaneByteOffs% = thisPlaneByteOffs% + rowPlaneBytes%
IF (c% AND 8) THEN
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%)) OR maskOn%(planeBitOffs%)
thisPlaneByteOffs%, (PEEK(thisPlaneByteOffs%) AND maskOff%(planeBitOffs%))

' Initializes the buffer at the specified memory location to the
' specified size.

setMemBufSize (segm%, offs%, w%, h%)
DEF SEG = segm%
POKE offs% + 0, w% AND 255
POKE offs% + 1, n&(w%) \ 256
POKE offs% + 2, h% AND 255
POKE offs% + 3, n&(h%) \ 256
While declareing the MakeMemBuf its gives me an odd error.
It saids Expected: variable or BYVAL or SEG
There is a clearly a BYVAL there, l'il help?
While i still haven't been able to get your code to run, i can use some of it for my uses, but I don't think that those POKE commands will work with screen 12. In fact I know it wont (played around with it a while ago)

That reminds me of another curious question: Does anybody know of a faster way to place a pixil on the screen than PSET?
The problem is that you are using QB45 and the example uses QB71 features. To work around the problem, get rid of the BYVAL and change the name of the parameter to something else. Then, add a line to set the correct variable name to the value of the parameter by its new name. For example:
' old
SUB makeMemBuf (segm%, BYVAL offs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
DEF SEG = segm%

' new
SUB makeMemBuf (segm%, callerOffs%, source%(), x%, y%, w%, h%)
offs% = callerOffs% ' make a local copy
DEF SEG = segm%
I found a way to keep it from flickering using some of logicrd's tips, but now I have a new problem. I am now using PSET to redraw the screen.
Zzzzzzzz... man is it slow

Most people know about POKE(y*320+x),c; is there an equivalent for screen 12?
qbasicking, please pay more attention. I discussed that at length in a previous post, and that big block of code I posted uses that [tt]POKE[/tt] method to memory buffers that can be sent to the screen quickly. In particular, the [tt]makeBuf[/tt] function should be of interest, as it takes input in a very simple array format and produces a buffer that can be immediately PUT to the target pixels on the screen.
Placing a big object on the screen, logicrd's code is great and very fast, but for placing one pixil, it is even slower than PSET. Anybody know a way to speed it up?
If you are only placing one pixel, there is no faster way than [tt]PSET[/tt]. [tt]PSET[/tt] is only slow because the operation that it must perform in [tt]SCREEN 12[/tt] is fundamentally elaborate & slow. If you are repeatedly changing single pixels, use an off-screen buffer with my code, and then send the result of a whole group of pixel changes all at once.
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