I'm new working with MTS and I have a problem.
I wrote the next code for a method of my MTS component in VB 6.0:
Public Function Validate_User(cn1 As Object) As Boolean
Validate_User = False
gsSqlStm = "Select * from table1"
Set mrsValidaUsuario = New ADODB.Recordset
mrsValidaUsuario.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
mrsValidaUsuaripen gsSqlStm, cn1
Then, I tried to use its method on client-side writing the next lines of code:
Dim cn as new ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 100
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"
cn.Properties("Data Source".Value = "SERVERNAME"
cn.Properties("Initial Catalog".Value = "DBNAME"
cn.Properties("User ID".Value = "sa"
cn.Properties("Password".Value = ""
Dim a As Object
Set a = CreateObject("SBCOMUserMTS.clsUsuario"
Dim b As Boolean
b = a.Validate_User(cn)<<<<<<HERE FAILS
I got a message "authentication service is unknown"
Is It possible to pass as an argument an ADODB.connection?
I know the component fails when it tries to open the ADODB.recordser mrsValidaUsuario
I'm new working with MTS and I have a problem.
I wrote the next code for a method of my MTS component in VB 6.0:
Public Function Validate_User(cn1 As Object) As Boolean
Validate_User = False
gsSqlStm = "Select * from table1"
Set mrsValidaUsuario = New ADODB.Recordset
mrsValidaUsuario.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
mrsValidaUsuaripen gsSqlStm, cn1
Then, I tried to use its method on client-side writing the next lines of code:
Dim cn as new ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 100
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"
cn.Properties("Data Source".Value = "SERVERNAME"
cn.Properties("Initial Catalog".Value = "DBNAME"
cn.Properties("User ID".Value = "sa"
cn.Properties("Password".Value = ""
Dim a As Object
Set a = CreateObject("SBCOMUserMTS.clsUsuario"
Dim b As Boolean
b = a.Validate_User(cn)<<<<<<HERE FAILS
I got a message "authentication service is unknown"
Is It possible to pass as an argument an ADODB.connection?
I know the component fails when it tries to open the ADODB.recordser mrsValidaUsuario