Is it possible to control the width of a drop down list? I have been able to do it in IE, but not without destroying the entire list in NS4.x. I could live with not controling it in NS, but it at least has to remain a drop down box. Thanks
use the style attribute like as
<select name="combo1" style="width:100">
I checked this one in IE and Netscape6.0. It is working fine. Netscape4.x is not available to me.So I didn't check this code in Netscape4.x.
this is my page (under development) it uses select with bgcolor and width. bgcolor and width show in ie and ns6. in ns4 and opera it still shows the select menu however without the bgcolor
as i said the page is under development and by no means complete. all that space next to the logo is for text navigational links !!!! thanks tough. scrolling that navigation was done with a dreamweaver extension called persistant layers. it can be found here
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