does anyone know the best way to check if IE is installed on a users system. also, what (if anything) can i use to replace webbrowser1, if IE isn't installed? thanks.
Seems to me that the command
Set myIEvar = New InternetExplorer wil result in an error if there is no IE, catch this error (don`t know the code) and prompt the user to install IE.
You should not use MS Internet Controls as an option because it has depends on IE to be there.
The webbrowser control is specific to IE, so even if you have Netscape (and no IE), it won't work (to my knowledge, NS can't be embedded on a form).
To see if IE is installed, try seeing if the registry key at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version has a value. I suspect that this won't work for versions before 4.x, though.
i found some code that works, thought i'd share it. (i'm very impatient )
Function KeyExists(key)
Dim WSHShell As IWshShell_Class
Set WSHShell = New IWshShell_Class
Dim key2
On Error Resume Next
key2 = WSHShell.RegRead(key)
If Err <> 0 Then
KeyExists = False
KeyExists = True
End If
End Function
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