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Is DATE BST or GMT. DST Daylight Saving Time Check

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Feb 6, 2015
Hello I'm trying to check whether a given date is within the UK classifcation of Daylight Saving Time.

I have a function that was written in VBA and I need to convert it to VBScipt to use on my .asp page.

I basically have a date/time value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

I need to break this down and establish whether or not that date/time falls within UK British Summer Time.

I would really appreciate somebody helping me convert this into a working asp file.

Function isBST(PickupDate As Date) As Boolean

Dim PickUpWeekDay As Byte     ' ---- The index number of the day of the week
Dim PickUpDay As Integer      ' ---- The day of the month
Dim PickUpMonth As Integer    ' ---- The number of the month

isBST = False  ' ---- Start by assuming we're not in BST

'--- As we we're comparing against an 01:00 cutoff, we will subtract an hour from the pickup time...
'--- ... it is easier to drop an hour and compare against an 00:00 cutoff as we can ignore any time element.

PickupDate = 2015-11-08T14:45:00

PickupDate = DateAdd("h", -1, PickupDate)

PickUpWeekDay = Weekday(PickupDate, vbSunday)  ' --- get the index of the weekday (1 for Sunday etc...)
PickUpDay = Day(PickupDate)                    ' --- get the day of the month of the pickup
PickUpMonth = Month(PickupDate)                ' --- get the number of the month of the pickup

'If between April and September then BST is true
If PickUpMonth > 3 And PickUpMonth < 10 Then
    isBST = True

'If after last Sunday in March then BST is true
ElseIf PickUpMonth = 3 And PickUpDay + (7 - PickUpWeekDay) > 30 Then
    isBST = True

'If before last Sunday of October then BST is true
ElseIf PickUpMonth = 10 And PickUpDay + (7 - PickUpWeekDay) < 30 Then
    isBST = True

    isBST = False

End If
End Function

If isBST = True Then
Response.Write PickupDate & "is BST"
End If

If isBST = False Then
Response.Write PickupDate & "is NOT BST"
End If

Do you have access to a SQL Server? If you have a newer version you can use functions like GETUTCDATE, SYSUTCDATETIME, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET to do the work for you. Use a DB query in ASP to get your "isBST" binary result.

BTW: Kudos to you for saying "Daylight Saving Time" and not "Savings Time."

Dave [idea]
Hi El, thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately I'm quite limited here as to how much access I have and how able I am do delve deeper. I'm hoping to achieve this client side using the variable provided in the code itself...
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