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Is Citrix a Broken Technology?

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Jan 15, 2004
We have tried to implement Citrix (Metaframe XP) in several different ways and nothing has worked. We've tried with Linux-based Neoware devices, and with the ICA client on PCs. We've mostly tried with the desktop, but also with published apps. We've tried with and without roaming profiles. We've tried on the LAN, and remotely with high speed and dial up access. Bottom line is that nothing has worked well. Most of our problems fall in to two categories. One is connectivity; being disconnected, unable to log in or hanging sessions. The other area is printing (finding and losing printers, jobs or client hanging when printing, default printers changing everyday, etc.).

We have attend training. We also brought in a consultant to help and we made very little progress. Just trying to get this going with a couple of servers and 20 users has been a nightmare. Does everyone have this experience with this technology? Should we dump the whole thing?
Ouch! I would be surprised if you get any helpful response because you didn't really ask a question. The software is pretty straight forward and obviously has its quirks or there wouldn't be the need for this forum, but if you have the need for a low bandwidth solution it works exceptionally well. From the sound of it I would start by checking your network… If you have connectivity problem on your LAN then the WAN stuff is sure to bomb. I would try to get your money back from the class or maybe try putting some specific issues/technical details out here for someone to help you with.
We were originally looking at a solution to reduce support and gain control of the desktop, as well as a remote access solution. I was hoping to prompt some responses like "defintely stick to published apps and eliminate roaming profiles" or "Citrix is difficult to set up, but once you get there it just hums. ABC Consulting helped us with this and it took about 1 week to set up two servers and get it right". I think you network comment is valuable as a focus.
I have been working with Citrix since the WinView (OS2 based) days. While there are issues that can come up, if you work with a knowledgeable consulting company deployments should go smoothly.

I my self have done hundreds of installs all around the country, other engineers at the company I work for have as well, and while some issues do arise we are able to resolve most if not all of them very quickly. There are times of course where the issue requires Citrix or other vendors to get involved to resole them, but this is and exception not the rule.

I don’t know what part of the country you are in, but I would look for a Citrix Platinum Partner in your area for assistance. It would be best if they are also a Citrix Certified Learning Center (CALC) since they will (or at lease should) be up on all of the latest changes.

Let me know if you need help locating someone in your area.


Justyn Worrell
We recently took over support/re-installed a Citrix environment done by a Platinum/Gold reseller which displayed some of the symptoms you describe. So I would be wary of just going to any old reseller.

1) Your network requires to be rock solid. any escapee packets and your Citrix connections will go. (This sounds the most likely cause to me)

2) Printers, if you have not done so I would suggest investing in JetDirect or similar and use netowrk printing wherever possible. Install the correct print drivers and use the mapping facility fot those printers that cause you grief.

3) Use seemless windows whereever possible (limits profiles sizes for starters) if a desktop is required then you have to think of a way of managing those profiles. There are ways to do it, I tend to Script mine, but there are other ways.

As a final thought from probably now about a hundred implementations of Citrix, I have yet to see one fail because of limitations of Citrix.

Sounds like your having a time of it! :-( Your going through a growing pain. Citrix is a great solution that does take a while to get running well. But once you get it to that point, you are good as gold.

One point of recomendation. Do not try and do it all at once. Pick an app or 2 and a few test users. Work from there.

Good luck.
How about going into more detail about your configuration, applications, network setup so that we have more to go on!

Like everyone who comments, we've all done loads of installs and although some rebuilds are needed, Citrix has always worked (depending on the application!).

Certainly where I am, if it wasn't for Citrix, they wouldn't be able to roll out certain applications.

Give us more so we can help you more!

Sounds like we have a few "old timers" in this thread :)

I need your experienced judgement.

Would any of you recommend Citrix in an elementary school environment, where most of the applications are multimedia with lots and lots of sound? We've been trying to get this to work without much success on the sound issues; lots of syncronization problems, choppy, etc. The problems occur even with only a few users online. Tried different levels of sound quality on the ICA client. I've read bits and pieces here and there that Citrix doesn't do sound very well and that's kindof what we're seeing.

However, Citrix is always touted as being a great solution for schools. MetaFrame Presentation Server / Windows 2003.

Yeah, it's August.

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