Not really. C# is geared more to web based application building. If you want to do games, go for C++. It's extended control of memory is what you'll need, (and grow to hate, if you actually get good at it, 'cause it's a pain in the butt.)
There are a few books available for developing games in C++, just go to Amazon, and do a search, you'll find a few. Best Regards,
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, and no simpler."
What about OpenGL? The NeHe tutorials are pretty comprehensive and cover a wide range of languages - right up to and including Visual Basic (!!).
The tutorials themselves are written in C++ - and as a non-C++ programmer I didn't find them too hard to understand.
I think C++ is probably the best language for game programming - for all the reasons mentioned above - but I have also heard high recommendations for Delphi. Can't say personally - I've only ever tried it in C++.
If anyone is interested, the NeHe tutorials can be found at:
If you want to write professional grade games then of course c/c++ is the only way to go.
OpenGL in C# is definitely viable though for basic games. It will always be slower than c/c++ but not by a huge amount it just depends on what type of game you're thinking of. A lot of games need as much speed as they can get and it's these that you're better off with c/c++
I read somewhere some guy did 3D programming for his thesis at university and came to the conclusion that C# is only marginally slower than C++ (his opinion not mine and I can't remember in what category games it was no flames please)!! So the ease of programming your game in C# may outweigh the 'marginal' speed difference and the inevitable headache of doing it in C++
So the ease of programming your game in C# may outweigh the 'marginal' speed difference
You seem sure that C# would "ease" the task in that problem domain. I for one am not sure at all. That is of course assuming one is competent in C++, if not, then of course it would be easier to use a simpler tool.
"But, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong".
Most of the people I talk to about making games fall into two broad catagories. Those who are alerady programmers and like the idea of moving into the game arena and those that love games but have very little programming or at least only experience in a high level language, which as you know doesn't normally lend itself to fast games.
For the former with C++ experience I agree there will be no ease of programming as they already proficient in the best language to write a game. For those not so proficient then yes I still believe C# is a better bet.
So in effect Pete, I do agree with you, I just wanted to make my opinion clear(er).
Yes yes, to get employed in games development you have to know C++.
The original question was "Is c# a godd language to use when devolping games?? " And my answer is basically yes it can be done and games developed using it have the potential of being only marginally slower than one written in C++.
No one is doubting to write the best, fastest, professional game you would have to use C++. I'm simply answering the question.
Good points all... but has anyone considered using managed c# for objects and general design, and integrating to handle DirectX and performance heavy graphics? I'm not an experienced games developer, but am interested in moving in that direction, particularly with AI, and it seems to me that for that, c# is probably the better (easier for a beginner to learn quickly) option. Besides, if you really want to create a game of the type of standard to compete with the current market, you should have a team of developers/friends, some of whom would work with C++, and others who might work in c#.
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