Basically I want to do this in a BTEQ script:
select cast(sum(value)/sum(value2) AS decimal(18,2)) from sometable;
.if <result> >= 0.8 then .quit 1
Would this work? From the reference pdf, it seems the only thing that if statements can check is Activity_count and error codes. That and I have no idea how to store the result of the query into a variable.
Also, BTEQ doesn't seem to have "else if" or "else".
select cast(sum(value)/sum(value2) AS decimal(18,2)) from sometable;
.if <result> >= 0.8 then .quit 1
Would this work? From the reference pdf, it seems the only thing that if statements can check is Activity_count and error codes. That and I have no idea how to store the result of the query into a variable.
Also, BTEQ doesn't seem to have "else if" or "else".