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Is Backup Exec The Most Troublesome Software Ever

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May 4, 2001

Or What.

"r tape loading error"
Hey gjgf1,

I second that motion, i have nothing but trouble with this veritas backup software.



I was going to list the issues... but, you know what they are...

Unfortunately, I've haven't found anything that works any better. Only some that works worse. [sad] James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.
I have done so much with so little
for so long that they think I am now
qualified to do anything with nothing.
It seems you guys have a pretty good handle with the dealings of this software.

Backup Exec 8.50
MS Exchange
Windows 2k Server

I have a problem, ever since July 4th holiday we did not replace the tape on July 5th and returned to replace the tape on Monday, July 8th. The backup has not worked since.

I tried everything from:
rebuilding the schedule job,
cleaning tape drive,
new tapes,
new hardware drivers,
unchecking follow junction points,
unchecking verify option,
renaming the catalog directory,
checking the license and version numbers,
checking with Veritas Support and no help except that it might be hardware related.

I think it is something in the software because run a complete successful backup on the exchange server.

Our company has more than 60 workstations and I ma starting to wonder if one of them is left on will the backup run?

Please respond with anything. Tell me to find another job.

I have to disagree. I like the Veritas Backup exec software. I think it is user friendly. Guess it depends on the environment. Try using Arcserve and you would appreciate backup exec in my opinion.
I agree with Zoeythecat. Arcserve2000 is worst than Backup Exec. All backup software have their short commings. Its just some are more problematic than others. I like Legato and Backup Exec. Arcserve leaves much to be desire! It is not user friendly.
All backup software is a joke.

You look at the list of hot fixes for Arcserve 2000, things like "Fix for corrupt files on restore", DUH!

The one piece of software that should work flawlessly (its a file copy for christ sake) in a diaster and its the first to pack up and go home.

BOO! BOO! ComputerAssociates & Veritas

Paraody of their add:

"Backup Exec leaves everything else in the dust"
Software Company.

I'll say it leaves everything else in its dusts, mainly 'cos it just blew up
Guess I must have the good version of Backupexec. Never had any problems restoring or backing up files.
Don't take this the wrong way, but Zoey, you sound like the pro.

I am having a serious problem that I have posted all over this forum and others and contacted Veritas. This problem started July 4th. We have a scheduled event that runs every night approx. 11pm and ejects the tape when completed. July 4th holiday we did not replace the tape and did replace on july 8th. ever since the jobs have been failing and a couple not completing.

I tried everything I and others could possibly think. I even tried not backuping up the mailboxes thing that might throw the failure. Before the 4th we never had a failure on corrupted mailboxes.

This is the log file of a job that did write bytes to the tape, but is failing on the verify. Yesterday, I had a job that would not complete.

Win 2K Server
MS Exchange
Norton Antivirus Corporate (I am stopping this service when BE starts)

Thank you for your help.

Job server: EXCH_DC
Job name: Exch_dc Backup
Job started: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 11:30:10 PM
Job type: Backup
Log file: BEX37.txt

Drive and media information from media mount:
Changer Name:
Drive Name: COMPAQ 1
Media Slot: 0
Media Cartridge Label: 4MM000021
Targeted Media Set Name: Media Set 1

Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Hardware compression enabled.
OFO: Started for device: "\\ADP_DC\D$"

Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "\\ADP_DC\D$ "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/30/2002 at 11:33:18 PM.

Backup completed on 7/30/2002 at 11:34:15 PM.
Backed up 578 files in 51 directories.
Processed 165,999,798 bytes in 57 seconds.
Throughput rate: 166.6 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "\\EXCH_DC\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/30/2002 at 11:34:19 PM.
WARNING: "Bob J Jones [B_Jones]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?NYRangers Pre-Season Schedule" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Bob J Jones [B_Jones]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?NYangers Opening Night" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Bob J Jones [B_Jones]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?RE: Collins Contract for NY 02/22>24/02" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Bob J Jones [B_Jones]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?Personal Misc?msg" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Access denied to directory ?Missy Forhand [M_Forhand].
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Bob Smith [B_Smith]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?NFM&T Power Pt?NFM&T Baltimore - Time Management Workshop - PowerPoint Presentation Attached" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Mary Streeter [M_Streeter]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?[LGSAlumniComm] LGS Alumni Committee Minutes...." is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
WARNING: "Mary Streeter [M_Streeter]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?LGS?[LGSBoardMembers] LGS Board Listing" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 12:48:16 AM.
Backed up 255240 mail message(s) in 1349 folder(s) in 51 mailbox(es)
7 corrupt files were backed up
Processed 3,206,611,496 bytes in 1 hour, 13 minutes, and 57 seconds.
Throughput rate: 41.4 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "\\EXCH_DC\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group "
Backup set #3 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: FULL - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Backup started on 7/31/2002 at 12:48:17 AM.
Log files

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 1:03:43 AM.
Backed up 2 Exchange Server store(s)
Backed up Exchange Server logs
Processed 3,869,418,104 bytes in 15 minutes and 26 seconds.
Throughput rate: 239.1 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "\\EXCH_DC\System?State "
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/31/2002 at 1:03:47 AM.

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 1:05:48 AM.
Backed up 2014 files in 98 directories.
Processed 317,574,409 bytes in 2 minutes and 1 second.
Throughput rate: 150.2 MB/min
OFO: Started for device: "C:"

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "C: "
Backup set #5 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/31/2002 at 1:08:19 AM.

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 1:19:38 AM.
Backed up 22645 files in 1284 directories.
Processed 1,978,867,297 bytes in 11 minutes and 19 seconds.
Throughput rate: 166.8 MB/min
OFO: Started for device: "D:"

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "D: Data"
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/31/2002 at 1:36:09 AM.

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:09:08 AM.
Backed up 119307 files in 9419 directories.
Processed 20,995,349,299 bytes in 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 59 seconds.
Throughput rate: 215.3 MB/min
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 7/30/2002 11:30:11 PM"
Backup of "\\ADP_DC\System?State "
Backup set #7 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 7/31/2002 at 3:09:22 AM.

Backup completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:10:43 AM.
Backed up 1842 files in 98 directories.
Processed 298,507,707 bytes in 1 minute and 21 seconds.
Throughput rate: 210.9 MB/min

Job Operation - Verify

Verify of "\\ADP_DC\D$ "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:11:48 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:12:39 AM.
Verified 578 files in 51 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 165,999,798 bytes in 51 seconds.
Throughput rate: 186.2 MB/min

Verify of "\\EXCH_DC\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:12:40 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:25:04 AM.
Verified 255247 mail message(s) in 1349 folder(s) in 51 mailbox(es)
0 files were different.
Processed 3,206,611,496 bytes in 12 minutes and 24 seconds.
Throughput rate: 246.6 MB/min

Verify of "\\EXCH_DC\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group "
Backup set #3 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:25:05 AM.
Log files

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:40:34 AM.
Verified 2 Exchange Server store(s)
Verified Exchange Server logs
Processed 3,869,418,104 bytes in 15 minutes and 29 seconds.
Throughput rate: 238.3 MB/min

Verify of "\\EXCH_DC\System?State "
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:40:34 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:41:48 AM.
Verified 2014 files in 98 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 317,574,409 bytes in 1 minute and 14 seconds.
Throughput rate: 245.6 MB/min

Verify of "C: "
Backup set #5 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:41:48 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 3:50:15 AM.
Verified 22645 files in 1284 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 1,978,867,297 bytes in 8 minutes and 27 seconds.
Throughput rate: 223.3 MB/min

Verify of "D: Data"
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 3:50:16 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 5:16:06 AM.
Verified 119307 files in 9419 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 20,995,349,299 bytes in 1 hour, 25 minutes, and 50 seconds.
Throughput rate: 233.3 MB/min

Verify of "\\ADP_DC\System?State "
Backup set #7 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Exch_dc Backup"
Verify started on 7/31/2002 at 5:16:08 AM.

Verify completed on 7/31/2002 at 5:17:18 AM.
Verified 1842 files in 98 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 298,507,707 bytes in 1 minute and 10 seconds.
Throughput rate: 244.0 MB/min

Job ended: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 5:18:30 AM
Job completion status: Failed

I am definitely not the expert. Just reporting good things in my enviornment backing up with BackupExec 8.6. Here is an article from the Veritas knowledgebase that may help. Basically what this article is telling you is download latest fixes for 8.5 or upgrade to 8.6. Check it out and let me know how you make out. Hopefully if this gets resolved Bob Jones will give you Rangers tickets.

Ha, awesome thanks.

i'll let you know. the problem is we are running 23x7 and i will need to get in sat late to run the patch.

I'm reading your post rather quickly and I'm taking a guess here based on the obvious error I see from your paste.

I had the same error and had the user delete this item from their box and any other item noted and had no further issues. But, that's just my quick guess. And, yes, you should always patch your software to the latest, more so if your having issues.

WARNING: "Bob J Jones [B_Jones]?Top of Information Store?Inbox?NYRangers Pre-Season Schedule" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I too would have to agree that BK Exec is a good piece of software, it simple and effective and does what it's supposed to do well. No problems here.

Jspirit, Have you tried deleting the messages that it says are corrupt, out of the mailbox it mentions ?. We had a similar problem a short time ago and found that deleting the offending mail and then restoring them from a successful backup was the way to go.
I'm a NY Rangers fan. But that's not why I am entering the forum.

With Backup Exec, check the message regarding OFO, virus scans, etc. Also, if the file can be removed, it could resolve the corrupt file problem. v 3878 of 8.6 seems to have resolve some of the problems.

I have been using Backup Exec 8.6 almost a year and I have had some success. Some failures, too.
nothing but problems with win2k serv. & exchange2k.
Of all of the software we run... back up exec has more "problems" & querks than all the others combined.
Yep, got to agree with the concensus here BExec can be a hairy little monster!!!

Regarding mail corrupt - make sure you delete them from inboxes, sent items and deleted items also. Guess how I found that out...
I have a few issues with Veritas Backup as it's not the most user-friendly of programs. My major issue with it is the Virus Protection Update, which is not configurable in any way (not from what I can find anyway), all you can do is just run the job and that's it. No FTP site setup, no user credentials info, nothing.

Other issues are things like it just stopping backing up for no reason at all. I discovered to my dismay a few weeks back that there had been no backups for over two weeks! EEK! I chose not to mention this to my bosses... :)

I reckon it was probably my fault but still, it is darn annoying.

Laptop Cauldrons run Thudex GUI
Same here Jo0lz. I could not figure out why the backup kept failing on mail. I finally deleted all the mail and told everyone we were performing regular mailbox cleanup procedures. Now i am getting OFO errors in the BE logs.

I contacted Veritas and upon reading there lengthy email they finally advised to reinstall the software. I did and now I can't get the OFO to initialize drives.

Supposedly when this software is working it works great!!!
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