1. I've created a progeram which use a FlexGrid control. I tried to save this object by usint IPersistStorage::Save. However I try to save, it saves only number of rows and columns, styles andd fonts. The text contained of the grids'scells, row heingths and column widths are not persistent. Do you have any tips?
2. The second problem, how can I make cells of a flex grid to be directly editable asa TextBox? I can only setthen indirectly through IDispatch.
Ion Ion Filipski
1. I've created a progeram which use a FlexGrid control. I tried to save this object by usint IPersistStorage::Save. However I try to save, it saves only number of rows and columns, styles andd fonts. The text contained of the grids'scells, row heingths and column widths are not persistent. Do you have any tips?
2. The second problem, how can I make cells of a flex grid to be directly editable asa TextBox? I can only setthen indirectly through IDispatch.
Ion Ion Filipski