You would need to install the lpr support for the printer concerned. Once the printer has an ip address, the software that comes with the printer should allow you to print straight to the ip address.
Can you be more specific about how to go about it. Win95 & Win98 seem to want to print to a file or a com or LPT port only. Can these be captured to an IP address or is there a way to install an IP port that Windows will recognize as an outlet for print jobs? I would like to print to a networked IBM 4312 from Windows 95 and 98 workstations. It has a local ip address and receives print jobs from an AS400 across a WAN link. For local Windows based printing I presently use a parrallel cable and share the printer with others via windows. It is becoming impractical (parrallel runs longer than 60' and close to EMF when run through ceilings) to have the printer attached to a particular desktop when the printer is on the IP network anyway. If I could send print jobs directly to the printer from each workstation, it would solve a lot of parallel cable routing problems. I have 20 locations that are similar in their needs.
I admit I am much a novice...but I recently configured a printer port as an IP address. I went into the printer properties on one machine...and it added the port just fine. On anther the printer driver software actually had a nice little new port configuration software within it...and I used that. On still another machine...I actually created the port using the Jet Direct software...then when I installed the printer driver it recognized the port right away. Hope that gives you a bit of help.
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