Is there a limitation on the IP Office that doesn't allow for many 4620 expansion modules. I requested 26 4620 IP phones with 16 14 button expansion modules and they are saying they cannot do that. Is that true? If so what are my options for that??
The IPoffice will support the eu24 but there is a limit on the number that can be connected to the same expansion module Max 2 per module. therefor the absolute maximum a fully loaded IPO (IP412 +12 ds modules) can handle on TDM phones is 24.
This is a power related issue, as the 4620 is an IP phone & has a seperate PSU there should not be a physical limit
The EU24 is an add-on unit that works in association with a 2420, 4620, 4620SW, 5420, 5620 and 5620SW. It provides an additional 24 programmable buttons with associated display label and status icons. Only one XM24 per phone.
Each IP Office DS module supports a maximum of two EU24 units only.
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