Someone on a forum had a list of the codes for the 200x series phones when you went through the reboot steps (mute, up, down, up, down, up, 9) that you could enter after the step where you pressed 9.
I am aware that you can press release to do a reboot, but there are numerical codes you can enter for other functions after the screen goes blank after '9'.
Haven't you ever wondered why it doesn't automatically reboot after you press you know.
It was a list of troubleshooting functions for the IP phone...I'm a 51 year old ex hippie...hell, I could have been delusional and just thought I had a list at one time...
0) Display set firmware version.
1) Patch. Starting in RAM address space at address 0060
2) Patch. Starting in AB06 address space at address 00
3) Patch. Starting in EEPROM address space at address 00
4) Set TX and RX levels?? Power cycle to exit.
5) ??? screen shows TCMless Intercept.
6) No perceptible change.
I didn't have a beard but I definitely had long hair, which was a problem until I chopped it because I never learned to braid and I would have to rely on a girl to braid it for me because long hair and motorcycles don't mix very well.
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