We have 3 IP Dterm phones at one location that go through our VPN router and over a point ot point T1 to our main site phone system (NEAX 2000 IPS). We are experiencing 4 successive beeps intermittently on those phones. We have a second location where one IP phone never beeps but the second IP phone at the second location drops calls, goes offline, and beeps all the time.
We contacted NEC and they said the beeps are signals that mean there is packet loss. How can we fix this issue?
Is our configuration to blame? The HP switch with QoS w/ DSCP is not VLANNed then goes out through our Cisco router.
What is a suggested configuration with our setup?
thank you
We contacted NEC and they said the beeps are signals that mean there is packet loss. How can we fix this issue?
Is our configuration to blame? The HP switch with QoS w/ DSCP is not VLANNed then goes out through our Cisco router.
What is a suggested configuration with our setup?
thank you