We have >1000 users spread across 25 IPO 500v2 units, and I'm in the process of rolling-out self-administration, so I'd like to reset all user passwords before giving them documentation for using the self-admin portal.
Is there any way to do this? I've exported the User and Config .csv files, but I don't see where the user passwords are set. To be clear, I'm not talking about login codes/extension login codes, I mean the actual user passwords for Avaya Communicator/Self-Admin portal. So far it's looking like I'll have to do this manually
Any guidance/tips are appreciated!
Is there any way to do this? I've exported the User and Config .csv files, but I don't see where the user passwords are set. To be clear, I'm not talking about login codes/extension login codes, I mean the actual user passwords for Avaya Communicator/Self-Admin portal. So far it's looking like I'll have to do this manually
Any guidance/tips are appreciated!