Hi all, got a strange one here on a feature that not many people are aware of on Voicemail Pro. A client has Alarms Set through voicemail Pro to page at certain times during the day for breaks and lunch, etc. This stopped working for them recently and for some reason I can not recreate the alarms. The Alarms are created through a VM Pro module that has Alarm Set object and in the specific tab I set the Ring Alarm section to PAGE:7205 or PAGE
aging, set the time and wav file to play. On my home system and the office system this works fine, when the Module is triggered through a short code, the alarm is set and I can see it in the Server Queues section under Alarms in VM Pro Client. When I do the same on the clients voicemail I get an error saying "Service Not Supported". I have reinstalled voicemail and upgraded to latest 10.1 release and still getting the same issue.
Anyone have any ideas?? Thinking this might be a server issue.
Anyone have any ideas?? Thinking this might be a server issue.