The problem is that there is no user list in hte Phone Manager Pro. Jus a message asying cant connect.
I have always had thsi problem and despite calls to Avaya and suppliers no one seems to think it exist let alone understands what the problem is.
Anyway, Basically I have an Avaya IP OFfice 406 v2 with 4.2 software on.
I have the latest Phone Mnager Pro on a laptop
The rotuer is a Linksys RV082.
I create a PPTP VPN Connection from the laptop to the office. Currently on Windows 7 but previously on Windows XP with the same errors. I also have tried using a PPTP connection to a Windows 2003 server using port forwarding form the router and have the samne problem. I have also had differnet routers in the past.
I can ping my internal office network router, servers, IP Office itself.
When I open phone manager Pro and brsowe for IP Office Units it does not find any, but if I type in the IP Address instead of it finds the IP Office including its name version etc.
The I click the userlist and I get teh message "Can not connect to IP Office" (or similar)
SOmetimes the userlist appears instantly (very rarely) and then usually afer about 20 minutes the userlist will appear and I can connect andit all worsk fine!
Why??? Help Please, I have tried my AVAYA suppliers and AVaya but they say thsi does nto ahppen. It has happened for 2 years now on various laptops and with variosu routers and perating systems.
The problem is that there is no user list in hte Phone Manager Pro. Jus a message asying cant connect.
I have always had thsi problem and despite calls to Avaya and suppliers no one seems to think it exist let alone understands what the problem is.
Anyway, Basically I have an Avaya IP OFfice 406 v2 with 4.2 software on.
I have the latest Phone Mnager Pro on a laptop
The rotuer is a Linksys RV082.
I create a PPTP VPN Connection from the laptop to the office. Currently on Windows 7 but previously on Windows XP with the same errors. I also have tried using a PPTP connection to a Windows 2003 server using port forwarding form the router and have the samne problem. I have also had differnet routers in the past.
I can ping my internal office network router, servers, IP Office itself.
When I open phone manager Pro and brsowe for IP Office Units it does not find any, but if I type in the IP Address instead of it finds the IP Office including its name version etc.
The I click the userlist and I get teh message "Can not connect to IP Office" (or similar)
SOmetimes the userlist appears instantly (very rarely) and then usually afer about 20 minutes the userlist will appear and I can connect andit all worsk fine!
Why??? Help Please, I have tried my AVAYA suppliers and AVaya but they say thsi does nto ahppen. It has happened for 2 years now on various laptops and with variosu routers and perating systems.