I have an IP Office 500V2 in Essential Mode. There are 2 combo cards, 2 DS8, and one PRI card in the main unit, and a Phone 30 expansion module. This system also has two Engenious Durafon Pro Units connected to it. From the base of the Durafon the line ports are plugged into analog ports on the Phone 30 respectively. In this case I have made them extension 1291,1292, 1293, 1294. I have incoming call routes set up for each extension to dial them via DID. When I dial them from outside via DID, they work. When I call them internally, they work. BUT...I have them in a hunt group with digital 1416 phones. I have two hunt groups (4950 and 4951) which also have DID's. Each hunt group contains 2 1416 extensions and 2 Durafon extensions. When I call the hunt group via any method (internal or external) only the 1416's ring and not the Durafon's. This issue happens with both hunt groups. I have checked my programming and all phones are in the hunt group and they are all logged in. I checked the ICR's and they are right. I called Durafon, and they tell me it's my IP Office. I call tech support and they say I have everything right. Any suggestions?