I have a question for you you know when or why you would enable IP forwarding and RIP for IP????
I have a server with 2 nics, one with a static ip, the other with a non-routable (internal ip) and was told to enable it for NAT. This server is a BackOffice Server 4.5 running Proxy Server 2.0, SQL 7.0, and Exchange 5.5. I also read in on Tek Tips to disable it when running Exchange. Do I really need this enabled or not? What exactly does it do?
I have a server with 2 nics, one with a static ip, the other with a non-routable (internal ip) and was told to enable it for NAT. This server is a BackOffice Server 4.5 running Proxy Server 2.0, SQL 7.0, and Exchange 5.5. I also read in on Tek Tips to disable it when running Exchange. Do I really need this enabled or not? What exactly does it do?