We are switching from a dial-up connection to a SDSL connection. At this moment an ISDN-adapter is in the mailserver with the ip-adress of our e-maildomain. In the new configuration there will be a Cisco 78 SOHO DSL-router in the network en after the router there will be a Firebox 700. The question is: where do I put the IP-adress of my e-maildomain and how do I get the e-mail to go to the mail-server (with a private IP-address) in the trusted zone. What kind of IP-adressses do I have to use on the LAN-side of the router and on the External side of the firebox. Can it be private adresses (according to the LAN subnet) or do they have to be public IP-adresses.
Thanx in advance,
Thanx in advance,