The weirdest thing is going on with Verio. They sent me a notice that the root IP of my VPS server would "change" on April 1. That's all. So, I routinely asked 1.) if I could assume that change would be reflected on their own nameservers, and 2.) if there would be an overlap period where both IPs were live, to allow for propagation time.
I assumed both answers would be yes, but when I didn't get that response, I gently pointed out it would not be cool to leave customer web sites hanging for six hours or more...
Next thing I know, I get a new notice: Oops, we forgot a few things, forget the deadline and we'll get back to you.
Isn't this a little unusual for an IP change?
I assumed both answers would be yes, but when I didn't get that response, I gently pointed out it would not be cool to leave customer web sites hanging for six hours or more...
Next thing I know, I get a new notice: Oops, we forgot a few things, forget the deadline and we'll get back to you.
Isn't this a little unusual for an IP change?