Jul 5, 2005 #1 DManigo ISP Mar 16, 2005 71 US I am having a hard time trying to find the most current IOS bin for a C1751-v router that is also compatible with CME 3.3 I found these two: c1700-ipvoice-mz.124-1a.bin or c1700-sv3y-mz.123-15.bin Please advise
I am having a hard time trying to find the most current IOS bin for a C1751-v router that is also compatible with CME 3.3 I found these two: c1700-ipvoice-mz.124-1a.bin or c1700-sv3y-mz.123-15.bin Please advise
Jul 5, 2005 #2 jpm121 MIS May 6, 2002 778 US All the docs I have for 3.3 reference 12.3(14)T. Upvote 0 Downvote
Jul 5, 2005 Thread starter #3 DManigo ISP Mar 16, 2005 71 US thnx jpm121, Is there a major difference between IOS 12.3(14) and 12.3(15)? Upvote 0 Downvote