I am getting a compile error:
Invalid use of Me keyword
Invalid use of Me keyword
Private Sub InputLogInOut()
Dim strSQl As String
Dim cQuote As String
cQuote = """"
strSQl = "INSERT INTO tblLogInOut (Day,WorkDate,LogIn,LogOut,Site,Activity) values " _
& "(" & cQuote & Me!txtDay.Value & cQuote & "," & "#" & Me!cboWorkDate.Value & "#" _
& "," & "#" & Me!txtLogin.Value & "#" & "," & "#" & Me!txtLogOut.Value & _
"#" & "," & cQuote & Me!cboSite.Value & cQuote & "," & cQuote & _
Me!cboActivity.Value & cQuote & ")"
Debug.Print strSQl
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQl
End Sub
Debug brings me to [b]Me!txtDay.Value[/b]
what am I missing??
Newbie in search of knowledge