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Invalid SQL statement, expected 'delete, 'Insert', 'Procedure', select 1

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Technical User
Dec 3, 2002
I have been attempting to create a VB procedure which takes data from access and writes it to Excel. I have it down with tables but when I try queries I run into SOME queries which do not work and receive the Error

Invalid SQL statement, expected 'delete, 'Insert', 'Procedure', select or 'update'

As I havent done much vba, and it was in DAO, so I am confused as to why. I have been working at home over the weekend with the North winds sample MDB trying to get it to work and have these examples.

The first "open" is a table and this writes to excel fine.

The second "open' is a saved query from the sample database which gives me the error.

The third is another sample query from Northwinds but it WORKS perfectly. I cut and pasted the names to be sure.
The only general difference I can see between the two queries is the "products by category" has a criteria on one field "<>yes".

I would think I could open ANY saved query. I wanted to use saved queries as the end users may wish to modify them over time.

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rst
        .Open "Customers", strConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic  'TABLE
        '.Open "Products by Category", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query
        '.Open "orders qry", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query

    End With

Here is the entire code if it helps. It will end up pulling from Oracle and some huge data tables our developers are creating. But I find it is often easier to get the logic down by working small!
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public myExcel As Excel.Application

Sub CopyToExcel()
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
    Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim StartRange As Excel.Range
    Dim xlRange As Excel.Range
    Dim strConn As String
    Dim C As Integer    'column
    Dim R As Integer    'Row
    Dim I As Integer      'counter
    Dim F As Variant
    'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _
         "Data Source=" & CurrentProject.path & _
    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
    'open recordset on the employees table
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
    With rst
        .Open "Employees", strConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    End With
    ' declare a module-level object
    ' variable myExcel as Excel.application
    ' at the top of the module
    Set myExcel = New Excel.Application
    ' Create a new excel workbook
    Set wbk = myExcel.Workbooks.Add
'START WORKSHEET 1-----------------------------------------------------
' set the reference to the ActiveSheet
    Set wks = wbk.ActiveSheet
    'Rename the first workbook
    wks.Name = "Summary by Employee"

    ' make the excel application window visible
    myExcel.Visible = True
    'Start at this column 1 = A,  2 is B etc
    C = 1
    I = C
    'Start with this row
    R = 2
    ' create the column headings in cells
    With rst
        For Each F In .Fields
            With wks
                .Cells(R, I).Value = F.Name
                I = I + 1
            End With
    End With
        'select the first row
        Set xlRange = wks.Rows(R)
        'bold the selection, set the font and fontsize, center all the cells
        xlRange.Font.Bold = True
        xlRange.Font.Size = 10
        xlRange.Font.Name = "arial"
        xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    ' specify the range that will receive the data (a2)
    Set StartRange = wks.Cells(R + 1, C)
    ' copy the records from the recordset
    ' and place in cell A2
    StartRange.CopyFromRecordset rst
    'close and empty the recordset rst
        Set rst = Nothing
    'autofit the columns to make the data fit

'FREEZE THE PANE so the header row doesn't scroll
    myExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
 'Start second tab ----------------------------------------------------------------
    'change to another worksheet tab
    Set wks = wbk.Sheets("Sheet2")
        wks.Name = "Summary by Product"
        wks.Cells(1, 1) = "Tesco"
        wks.Cells(1, 2) = "Stock holding by line"
        wks.Cells.WrapText = False
'        xlRange.WrapText = False
        'select the first row
        Set xlRange = wks.Cells(1, 1)
        'bold the selection, set the font and fontsize, center all the cells
        xlRange.Font.Bold = True
        xlRange.Font.ColorIndex = 3 'red
        xlRange.Font.Size = 18
        xlRange.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
        xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        'select the first row
        Set xlRange = wks.Cells(1, 3)
        'bold the selection, set the font and fontsize, center all the cells
        xlRange.Font.Bold = False
        xlRange.Font.Size = 16
        xlRange.Font.Name = "arial"
        xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
'        Cells.Select
'        Selection.ColumnWidth = 100
'        Selection.Columns.AutoFit
'        Selection.Rows.AutoFit
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

    With rst
        .Open "Customers", strConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic  'TABLE
        '.Open "Products by Category", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query
        '.Open "orders qry", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query

    End With
'   'Start at this column 1 = A,  2 is B etc
    C = 1
'    'Start with this row
    R = 2

'    This is just a counter for the number of columns in the recordset
    I = C
'    ' create the column headings in cells
    With rst
        For Each F In .Fields
            With wks
                .Cells(R, I).Value = F.Name
                I = I + 1
            End With
    End With
'FORMAT THE HEADINGS on the second sheet
        'select the first row
        Set xlRange = wks.Rows(R)
        'bold the selection, set the font and fontsize, center all the cells
        xlRange.Font.Bold = True
        xlRange.Font.Size = 10
        xlRange.Font.Name = "arial"
        xlRange.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'    ' specify the rang that will receive the daa (a2)
    Set StartRange = wks.Cells(R + 1, C)
' copy the records from the recordset
' and place in cell A2
    StartRange.CopyFromRecordset rst
    Set rst = Nothing
    'autofit the columns to make the data fit
'FREEZE THE PANE so the header row doesn't scroll
    myExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
'    'End Worksheet 2------------------------------------------------------------------
   ' wbk.Save
    'wbk.Close savechanges:=True, fileName:="c:\filedump.xls"
    'Quit excel application
'    myExcel.Quit
    Set conn = Nothing
    Set StartRange = Nothing
    Set wks = Nothing
    Set wbk = Nothing
    Set myExcel = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Don't blame the computer"
    Set myExcel = Nothing
    Exit Sub
End Sub

I believe you need brackets:

[tt].Open "[Products by Category]", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly 'Query[/tt]

I don't know why, but this seems to have done the trick. Both saved queries work great.

Thanks, this is a BIG help.

It is because of the spaces in the name.
It could also be because you don't tell it what to open, which means it resolves to adUnknown, I think.

.Open "Products by Category", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdStoredProc

In my version of Access (2000), I found I still needed the square brackets.
This resulted in the error
"Object Products is not a stored procedure"
and when I enclose "Products by Category" in brackets as "[Products by Category]" it works fine.

What I still don't understand is why the "Orders by" query works without the brackets as it has an embedded space? I have commented out lines as I test below.

   With rst
        '.Open "Customers", strConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic  'TABLE
        '.Open "[Products by Category]", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query
        .Open "orders qry", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly  'Query
        '.Open "[Products by Category]", strConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdStoredProc
    End With

Perhaps I see the logic behind the Brackets [] but at first thought you would think the " " 's would take care of that.

Still a bit puzzled
I am using Access 2003 but the copy of Northwinds is in Access 2000 format.
Isn't that odd? It is to do with the number of spaces. Rename Products by Category as Products Category and it works!
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