upon starting my win 98 computer the memory test, detection of IDE work fine but under the system identification i get the message "invalid setting in the msdos.sys file: orig_diag_bootmenu=<NIL>" it only last a micro second so i had to figure it out letter by letter and it might not be 100% accurate. when the computer loads my user names and passwords window appearsbut the screen size is reduced. passwords don't work so i click cancel and the task bar apperas but i quickly get an illegal operation window laballed explorer. after closing this window the screen goes blank. hitting ctrl-alt-del brings up a new close program window with about seven other errrors most of which won't close so i have to sht down the computer. anybody know what "invalid setting in the msdos.sys file: orig_diag_bootmenu=<NIL>" means and how to fix it. is this also what is causing all the illegal operations and display size?
thanks in advance for any help!
thanks in advance for any help!