This is doing my head in.
Yes, I've researched and all the threads I can find waffle on about a hidden form field causing the problem.
But I don't have one?
I've done a console.log($(':hidden')) and none of the elements are part of the form and definitely none matching $('[required]')
It's not happening when I run my validation ..
My validation icons all work fine, but when the form is submitted, if there is a visible, but not valid element, that error occurs in the console. but the in-built browser validation message still appears 'Please fill in this field'.. blah blah ..
What is causing this error? Is it a bug in Chrome on Linux or am I going blind?
"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."
"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"
Free Electronic Dance Music
This is doing my head in.
Yes, I've researched and all the threads I can find waffle on about a hidden form field causing the problem.
But I don't have one?
I've done a console.log($(':hidden')) and none of the elements are part of the form and definitely none matching $('[required]')
It's not happening when I run my validation ..
function checkValid(ele)
if($(ele).prop('tagName') == 'TEXTAREA')
var remove = 'invalid';
var add = 'valid';
if($(ele).attr('minlength') && $(ele).attr('minlength') > $(ele).val().length)
var remove = 'valid';
var add = 'invalid';
else if ($(ele).attr('maxlength') && $(ele).attr('maxlength') < $(ele).val().length)
var remove = 'valid';
var add = 'invalid';
if(!$(ele).prop('required') && $(ele).val() == '')
// trigger validate event
$( document ).trigger('validated');
function validateTextarea()
var errorMsg = "Please match the format requested.";
var textarea = this;
var pattern = new RegExp('^' + $(textarea).attr('pattern') + '$');
var rev_pattern = new RegExp($(textarea).attr('pattern').replace(/^\[/,'[^'));
$(textarea).val($(textarea).val().replace(rev_pattern, ''));
// check each line of text
$.each($(textarea).val().split("\n"), function () {
// check if the line matches the pattern
var hasError = !this.match(pattern);
if (typeof textarea.setCustomValidity === 'function')
textarea.setCustomValidity(hasError ? errorMsg : '');
// Not supported by the browser, fallback to manual error display...
$(textarea).toggleClass('invalid', !!hasError);
$(textarea).toggleClass('valid', !hasError);
if (hasError)
$(textarea).attr('title', errorMsg);
return !hasError;
My validation icons all work fine, but when the form is submitted, if there is a visible, but not valid element, that error occurs in the console. but the in-built browser validation message still appears 'Please fill in this field'.. blah blah ..
What is causing this error? Is it a bug in Chrome on Linux or am I going blind?
"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."
"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"
Free Electronic Dance Music