Okay Im completely new to Pervasive SQL I need help with this issue. I am trying to display a column that is the value of two other columns multiplied together (QTYORDERD * UNITPRICE). We use a product called DbNetGrid and the code looks like this. I know this workes in SQL but not sure why it doesnt in Pervasive SQL.
fromPart = "OEINVD"
orderColumn = "INVNUMBER"
columnPicker = "true"
view = "true"
headings = ["Invoice #","Item","QtyOrdered","Unit","Unit Price","QtyShipped","Total $"];
Any help would be very helpful.
fromPart = "OEINVD"
orderColumn = "INVNUMBER"
columnPicker = "true"
view = "true"
headings = ["Invoice #","Item","QtyOrdered","Unit","Unit Price","QtyShipped","Total $"];
Any help would be very helpful.