Have a day auto att...
1 e transfer ext transfer
2 1606 transfer Tax
3 1002 call-ans CEO hwy
4 1003 call Town clerk..
All buttons 1 to 0 are accounted for.
Problem: Using a 4 digit extension plan with 13XX and 16XX extensions We have callers that know the extension, don't wait for the announcement and punch it in, but system is not picking up the "1" eg...ext 1360 and call goes to button 3 and gets misdirected. Is there any place in system parameters to change the sensitivity?
Thanks in advance
1 e transfer ext transfer
2 1606 transfer Tax
3 1002 call-ans CEO hwy
4 1003 call Town clerk..
All buttons 1 to 0 are accounted for.
Problem: Using a 4 digit extension plan with 13XX and 16XX extensions We have callers that know the extension, don't wait for the announcement and punch it in, but system is not picking up the "1" eg...ext 1360 and call goes to button 3 and gets misdirected. Is there any place in system parameters to change the sensitivity?
Thanks in advance