Was looking for some help with a failed back up for an Intuity Audix, it fails the back up with unmounting backup1. exiting backup, return code=25,
press enter to continue. I have see this in the past and was resolved by installing a new backup data cartridge or by cleaning or replacing the tape drive, we have tried 3 new 4/8 gig tapes, replaced the tape drive twice and no matter what we do we can not get the intuity to back up. Also have rebooted tons of times as well, please any insight into this matter would be most appreciated.
press enter to continue. I have see this in the past and was resolved by installing a new backup data cartridge or by cleaning or replacing the tape drive, we have tried 3 new 4/8 gig tapes, replaced the tape drive twice and no matter what we do we can not get the intuity to back up. Also have rebooted tons of times as well, please any insight into this matter would be most appreciated.