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Intuity Audix 5.1 Move

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Technical User
Apr 14, 2004
We move our Audix system from one location to our main data center. It has been an absolute nightmare. My problem is that every so often we get someone who cannot get into there voicemail it just continues to ring. I have not witnessed this personally so i am unsure if this is exactly what is going on. I do know that when you call the numbers in the audix hunt-group it either rings for a while and finally audix picks up and says the person that you have dialed cannot be connected please enter touchtones and try again. Other times it will ring and then beep, as if it is trying to cover somewhere. Any help is appreciated.

after you moved it, did you ever direct dial all of the audix hunt group members?

we were asked to do that after each time we have moved our audix. our business partner said that failure to do so could lead to behavior similar to what you described.

could be superstition for all i know, but worth a try.
call each port and make sure that they are answered in the INtuity on the proper channel.
Ory is correct. When you move your audix if you dont line the channels up with the correct port it will ring no answer. I moved my audix to the data center and the tech got the x connects off by 1. My first 25 ports worked but the other 39 ran with no answer.

Call each port watch under sys mon and make sure each port hits the right channel.
Thats the thing. The first tech realy screwed up. The second tech finally got all the ports in the correct order. The boss and the tech called all the ports directly and had no problems when they tried. Now two weeks later we have people complaining that they can not get to voicemail. We tried calling the ports and they just ring till Audix picks up and tells you the person that you called cannot be connected please enter touchtones and try again. Thanks for your help so far.

Wow, I had this happen to our pbx and intuity in Brazil. What I found out was the ports in the intuity were not numbered the same as the audix. Look at the channels and see how they are numbered. If the match up with your pbx then it is something else.

It sounds like you audix is in stand alone mode. I will bet the channels are not numbered the same in audix as the hunt group.

Let me know.
Are u using mode codes or a link, and if a link what type of one?
As far as the problem of getting ring no answer when calling the Intuity, that might because all the ports are busy taking calls. Do " list measure load day" and see if all the ports are ever busy. If they are, u may need another card, or maybe just buy the rights to use the rest of a underused card.

But that is only part of your problem, getting a message to input the person that u are calling indicates that the link to the Intuity is having troubles.
Okay here's the deal. All the ports line up between the Intuity and Definity. The correct extension rings on the correct port.
For the most part all the ports seem to answer correctly. On occasion we get 3 tones (sound like confirmation tones) and then dial tone. If you stay on the line the call eventually goes to the attendant.
Our NACR software engineer tells me that you can't use more than 2 ports per half card on an 8 port analog card because when the first to ports are busy the 3rd nad 4th will ring busy even if there available. I can't find anyone who can verify this information. Every tech I've talk to does think that should be an issue. If what the NACR SE is telling me is true then you could never use all the ports on an 8 port analog card unless the intuity has some control over the analog card.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If u call Avaya Technical Service center, they will confirm that ports used for Audix must be spread about the analog cards, as u have already been told. In addition, I seem to remember that there are problems with some analog 8 port cards needing to be a certain vintage level too.
Yeah thats what the tech told the boss. Yesterday we spread out the ports so there is only two on 1/2 board. Does anybody know what vintage the board must be? The three board we are using are vintage 17 and two vintage 10's.

If you talking about the cp for the pbx, you should not use ports all in one card. Even if you had a 16 port card you will only be able to use 8 ports at the same time.

I spread my analog ports for the intuity out over outgoing modems. So I can have 8 audix ports and 8 modem ports running at the same time.

Vintage is not a factor her. This was a common complaint when I was a Tier 3 engineer for Lucent/Avaya.
I got burned on this one time and I couldn't believe that it was actually the numbering of the extension on the channel card. I take it that you have checked the extensions match up with the extensions that are in the Intuity as you can see by the number 401, 402 and 602 listed below? My next concern is that you may have two ports split, T1&R2 and T2&R1 instead of T1&R1 and T1&R2, and this could happen if a 25 pair cable was used to feed the intuity and got punched down with a flipped pair. The 3 beep tone that you are hearing could be that you are hearing the confirmation tone from the other "flipped/split" channel activating the message waiting light. Are you using mode-code signalling or DCIU?


CARD 0 STATE: Inserv CLASS: Analog(TR) O.S.INDEX: 0
NAME: AYC10 OPTIONS: master1,no tdm,tt

0.0 0 Inserv Jul 28 14:52:04 *DNIS_SVC 401 1,2 talk IVC6
0.1 1 Inserv Jul 28 14:52:04 *DNIS_SVC 402 1,2 talk IVC6
0.2 2 Inserv Jul 28 14:52:04 *DNIS_SVC 602 1,2 talk IVC6
I checked the voice equipment screen and yes all of the ports are in the correct order. I am not quiet sure if the Intuity is using mode-code signaling or dciu. As i am quiet new to the voice systems. I just finished my schooling for a network engineer. From what i can tell from the documents cd it seems we are most likely using mode-code signaling. And as for the cable i was not there when the boss's and the techs installed the system. Does anybody have a proper wiring diagram for the Intuity? Maybe monday i can go see if i can figure out how it is wired out.

We have been trying to figure out if it is a specific port or what. What we have found out is that if you just dial the extension of the hunt group it works fine. But if you dial our eight hundred number or our local outside number it has the problem every 20 calls or so. Also does anybody know if there is specific settings for the COR or other settings? It seems the tech setup special COR's in our Clayton office and just used the default COR in the Alton office. And i noticed some differences between the two of them. Again any help is greatly appreciated.

Everyone sets COR's up differently. Just depends on if you are going to use outcalling, local versus longdistance. We use message manager and so we opened it up for longdistance. In the VM COS you are able to set up some restrictions per mail box.

Look in sys mon. Just dial your 800 or outside line. Dialing the ports directly will give you an answer if it is connected to a port. But for some reason when it is in a hunt group it may not answer. I had the same problem with a box in tampa that I was trouble shooting from Denver. I found that one of my station numbers was ringing on a channel that was programed for another station. But when the right station was called it answered on that channel.

Your hunt group will go in a certain order. Work late one night and match the station to the channel in sysmon.

We actually did that the first night and have done it about half a dozen times since. Our first thought is it must be out of order. but we have called each port multiple times, and enter digits to see if it was numbered correctly. It was. We also called out Audix hunt group and made sure every port got connected sooner or later, it did. It does not matter what phone you call from only what number you dial. It seems that there must be a software setting somewhere that is causing problems. You could dial the internal number all you want and never have a problem. But if you dial the external number or 800 number you run into the problem every so often. Thanks for your help again g3rguy.

Well beings how it works always when dialing within, and doesn't work intermittantly from the outside, I would suspect the trunk. Do "list measurement trunk today" or "list measurements ds1 log XXXX" and see if u have errors.
Thanks guys for you help. One of the bosses figured it out. We hope. On the station form form under feature options there are settings for Call Waiting Indication and Att. Call Waiting Indication. He turned these off. So far so good. No problems calling any of the Audix numbers now. Again thanks guys for all of your help.

Hi all,

I may be making this too difficult but orypecos states to

"call each port and make sure that they are answered in the INtuity on the proper channel"

How do I call a "port" other than dialing the station that is attached to a port?

I'm having this same problem. I just moved all our prologix and Audix and my 3rd and 6th channel out of 8 audix channels are FOOS (facility out of service) whereas all the other the other channels are good. I have everything plugged into the appropriate ports but I just can't figure this out. I think it's a wiring issue. Does anyone know the proper pinouts for this connection from the analog port to the Intuity?

I've wired it like this.

Blue/Blue white=channel 0
Green/Green white=channel 1
Orange/Orange White=channel 2
Blue/Blue white=channel 3
Green/Green white=channel 4
Orange/Orange White=channel 5
Blue/Blue white=channel 6
Green/Green white=channel 7

Here's what Audix says...


CARD 0 STATE: Inserv CLASS: Analog(TR) O.S.INDEX: 0
NAME: AYC10 OPTIONS: master1,no tdm,tt

0.0 0 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8801 2 talk IVC6
0.1 1 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8802 2 talk IVC6
0.2 2 Foos Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8803 2 talk IVC6
0.3 3 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8804 2 talk IVC6
0.4 4 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8805 2 talk IVC6
0.5 5 Foos Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8806 2 talk IVC6

CARD 1 STATE: Inserv CLASS: Analog(TR) O.S.INDEX: 1
NAME: AYC10 OPTIONS: master1,no tdm,tt

1.0 6 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8807 2 talk IVC6
1.1 7 Inserv Oct 17 00:26:17 *DNIS_SVC 8808 2 talk IVC6

Thanks so much for your help.
To call each port call the phone number attached to the port. Which looks like 8801 to 8808. I will look at our wiring and see if it differs from yours.

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