Let's say that I wanted to keep track of which record a user was on for a given form so I can return them to it the next time they open that form. If I was doing this with a table, I would create a record with FormName, UserID, RecNo and then read that record back in when the form loaded.
How would I implement this in XML? I understand HTML enough to follow tag based properties, etc. What I don't know are the answers to the following questions. Can someone help me?
A. What dll references to I need to include to use XML
B. Does XML work with Access97 or only Access2000 and above
C. How do I declare the correct XML object - for instance
Dim WhatObject As WhatObjectType
D. How do I instantiate the object
E. How do I read and write XML objects
I know these are all basic questions but if someone could help me out with a bit of working code or point me to some information I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your help and have a great day!
How would I implement this in XML? I understand HTML enough to follow tag based properties, etc. What I don't know are the answers to the following questions. Can someone help me?
A. What dll references to I need to include to use XML
B. Does XML work with Access97 or only Access2000 and above
C. How do I declare the correct XML object - for instance
Dim WhatObject As WhatObjectType
D. How do I instantiate the object
E. How do I read and write XML objects
I know these are all basic questions but if someone could help me out with a bit of working code or point me to some information I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your help and have a great day!