Technical User
Hi guys.. I have been trying to figure this out & need a little help. Here's what I want to do: I have an initial page which will load, utilizing a pre-loader, an intro flash movie... However, I want, when the intro is completed loading, to begin loading the main web page flash movie, however I don't want it to go to the flash movie yet. I have on the first frame variables recording the user's x resolution & y resolution using:
sizey = System.capabilities.screenResolutionY;
sizex = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX;
I also have a few htm pages which have different sizes of my main flash movie, which the user will see dependent on their resolution as recorded by the above actionscript. What I want is when the intro movie is done loading & beings to play, the actionscript begins to load the correct flash movie as identified by the user's resolution. When the main flash movie is loaded, I want a button to appear that says something like "to skip intro & go to homepage, click here." So when they click on the button the correct flash movie according to their resolution is already loaded in their cache & there is no download time. So when the user clicks the button, they are taken to the correct htm page which has the movie already loaded & begins to play. But I can't figure it out. I can get the intro to load utilizing the preloader, & I can get the user's resolution size. But how do I use actionscript to start loading the right movie, according to resolution size, & utilizing a pre-loader? I think I can get the button action correct (meaning using the user's screen resolution to define which htm page they will go to so the movie is the correct size), but I can't figure out how to use a preloader to load the movie with the right proportions that I want. I hope this is clear, it is a kind of confusing situation. Let me know if you have any questions & thanks in advance as you guys have always been so helpful. Thanks again
sizey = System.capabilities.screenResolutionY;
sizex = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX;
I also have a few htm pages which have different sizes of my main flash movie, which the user will see dependent on their resolution as recorded by the above actionscript. What I want is when the intro movie is done loading & beings to play, the actionscript begins to load the correct flash movie as identified by the user's resolution. When the main flash movie is loaded, I want a button to appear that says something like "to skip intro & go to homepage, click here." So when they click on the button the correct flash movie according to their resolution is already loaded in their cache & there is no download time. So when the user clicks the button, they are taken to the correct htm page which has the movie already loaded & begins to play. But I can't figure it out. I can get the intro to load utilizing the preloader, & I can get the user's resolution size. But how do I use actionscript to start loading the right movie, according to resolution size, & utilizing a pre-loader? I think I can get the button action correct (meaning using the user's screen resolution to define which htm page they will go to so the movie is the correct size), but I can't figure out how to use a preloader to load the movie with the right proportions that I want. I hope this is clear, it is a kind of confusing situation. Let me know if you have any questions & thanks in advance as you guys have always been so helpful. Thanks again