The dictionary defines Interpolation; in·ter·po·late (¹n-tûr“p…-l³t”) v. in·ter·po·lat·ed, in·ter·po·lat·ing, in·ter·po·lates. --tr. 1. To insert or introduce between other elements or parts. 2.a. To insert (material) into a text. b. To insert into a conversation. 3. To change or falsify (a text) by introducing new or incorrect material. 4. Mathematics. To estimate a value of (a function or series) between two known values. --intr. To make insertions or additions. --in·ter”po·la“tion n. --in·ter“po·la”tive adj. --in·ter“po·la”tor n.
Through numerous inquiries about changing the dpi and Lines Per Inch (lpi) on TIF photos/ the commerical printer folks can photocopy them to metal plates and then print them to newspaper size (9" by 17", I've stumbled across the term "interpolation." I import my phtos (taken on my Mavica Digital Camera) into Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE and change the JPG format from 72 dpi to 300 dpi TIF. I then change to Grayscale, size my photos, and then go to Page Setup to change the lpi to 85 Save Screen mode. I then check the box marked "Interpolation."
However, this 85 lpi mode does not hold when I import the photos into my Pagemaker 6.5 documents. It seems very antiquated to have to take my photos to the commerical printers and have them scan them into MAC format--print them out--then actually paste (hot wax) the same to the documents before copying them to these metal plates for printing. I feel with a Digital Camera, Pagemaker and Photoshop I should be able to perform all tasks required for these commercial printers to copy my end products.
Any advice or suggestions. To suggest that I merely find another commercial printer doesn't help--It seems they all use MAC setups and follow that basic technique. Is it possible that I might have to buy a Post Script Printer? I currently use an HP LaserJet 1100 and get excellent quality. It's just that this 85 lpi format does not hold when importing in Pagemaker.
Thanks for any assistance. Joe Coppinger, Perris CA
Through numerous inquiries about changing the dpi and Lines Per Inch (lpi) on TIF photos/ the commerical printer folks can photocopy them to metal plates and then print them to newspaper size (9" by 17", I've stumbled across the term "interpolation." I import my phtos (taken on my Mavica Digital Camera) into Adobe Photoshop 5.0LE and change the JPG format from 72 dpi to 300 dpi TIF. I then change to Grayscale, size my photos, and then go to Page Setup to change the lpi to 85 Save Screen mode. I then check the box marked "Interpolation."
However, this 85 lpi mode does not hold when I import the photos into my Pagemaker 6.5 documents. It seems very antiquated to have to take my photos to the commerical printers and have them scan them into MAC format--print them out--then actually paste (hot wax) the same to the documents before copying them to these metal plates for printing. I feel with a Digital Camera, Pagemaker and Photoshop I should be able to perform all tasks required for these commercial printers to copy my end products.
Any advice or suggestions. To suggest that I merely find another commercial printer doesn't help--It seems they all use MAC setups and follow that basic technique. Is it possible that I might have to buy a Post Script Printer? I currently use an HP LaserJet 1100 and get excellent quality. It's just that this 85 lpi format does not hold when importing in Pagemaker.
Thanks for any assistance. Joe Coppinger, Perris CA