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Internet speed very slow

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Jan 10, 2002
Wonder if anyone can help me with the following problem, I have broadband installed (512k) and just recently my connection to the web speeds have been very poor, I have a cable modem and also have a Zonet router connected, when I access the web from my PC download speeds are in the region of 4-5k and web pages are very slow to load, when I access the same downloads and pages using my laptop (which connects to the web via the router connected to my PC) I get download speeds of over 50k. Downloads from my PC seem erratic, they stop then start again and are very slow.
I have tried the following, to no avail.

re-install IE6
re-install XP prof
remove and re-install NIC
remove router and connect modem direct
run various spyware programs
run three online virus checks as well as have a virus checker installed on my PC
run system restore - back one month
disabled firewall in XP and router firewall

None of the above seemed to make any difference, couple of points worth mentioning is that when I start a download the connect speed is very high 30-40k then it drops very quickly down to around 4-5k, also for some reason I cannot create a workgroup on my PC, I attempt to set one up, it goes through the wizard OK but when I try look at computers in workgroup it brings up a message saying cannot find or I do no have permission to view - don't know wether this is connected to my web problem.

Any help would be much appreciated.

The nic, pci slot, adapter driver & resources in use and cable each need to be checked, in turn and if possible swapped. Is your adapter driver set up to the correct speed for the router 100/10 are the other adapter settings compatible? Any other expansion cards, or usb devices interfering? Any bios changes e.g pnp settings?


run a command console and see what ipconfig /all reveals about your adapter connection - is it what you expect - do you have the right ip address from the router dhcp server, or from the one on the modem?

Are you using a proxy server in internet options? It may be having problems. If so try to bypass it.

Run a broadband speed check, either on the web, or download from
Do your TC/PIP settings need tweaking : and follow their recommendations using DRTCP.

Ask your broadband supplier if they can help
That's all I can think of for now.
could it possibley be too many firewalls. I have had something like that happen before where i have 2 to 3 firewalls installed on my computer and it slows down the receiving of information from the internet???
Thanks guys, solved the problem, it was a faulty Network card, changed card, now getting very fast connection.

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