where can i find resources on the Net on MFC and general Win32 programming?
All I've done so far is consone programming, so I've decided to look into Win32 apps.
I've used Wizards to 'create' simple applications, but when I start adding controls, I've no idea how I can make them 'intelligent', as I don't know any member variables of the classes or anything.
For instance, how can I refer to and check what is the new content of an edit box at EN_CHANGE, some member variable of the CDialog class, store it and use it later...
ANy references to sites with tutorials are welcome
thanks. Avendeval
All I've done so far is consone programming, so I've decided to look into Win32 apps.
I've used Wizards to 'create' simple applications, but when I start adding controls, I've no idea how I can make them 'intelligent', as I don't know any member variables of the classes or anything.
For instance, how can I refer to and check what is the new content of an edit box at EN_CHANGE, some member variable of the CDialog class, store it and use it later...
ANy references to sites with tutorials are welcome
thanks. Avendeval