I have a code that goes to a website to download a CSV file. I am stuck at the dialog box that asks me the following question: "Do You Want To Open Or Save This File?". There are 3 buttons: "OPEN","SAVE","CANCEL".
I don't know how to send the <TAB> key to "OPEN" and then <ENTER>.
Is this something real simple?
I have a code that goes to a website to download a CSV file. I am stuck at the dialog box that asks me the following question: "Do You Want To Open Or Save This File?". There are 3 buttons: "OPEN","SAVE","CANCEL".
I don't know how to send the <TAB> key to "OPEN" and then <ENTER>.
Is this something real simple?
Dim ie As Object
Dim ieForm As Variant
Dim WebPage As String
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
WebPage = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://xxxxxxxxxxxx.CSV"[/URL]
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate WebPage