Why does my machine 'freeze' when on the internet or emailing?
It can happen after 1 minute on line or thirty mins. Having to reboot constantly is driving me mad!
Is my modem faulty?
Obviously there is a conflict of hardware resources on your system, that triggers with time, the most known one is between the mouse and the modem. And you did say what you Ram is like, when this happens do u have so many windows open?
also check you HDD space available for the page file.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you're using a MS product such as Windows 98 If it happens under a certain circumstance such as being connected to the Internet, I would re-install any software related to this activity such as your web browser, e-mail client, and any software your ISP supplied you with. Although re-installing is a substitue for fixing the problem, it's the easiest and quickest route these days.
If the freezes happen at any time and don't seem to be related to any particular program, I would suspect corruption in the OS somewhere and as above, re-installing the OS is the quickest way to fix. Someone knowlegeable in your OS could sit down and possibly fix the specific problem but a good re-install fixes most ailments.
If this problem has always occured or if it starting occuring after adding new hardware like a modem, I would suspect hardware conflicts and check for the latest drivers. I've found that cheap Ram causes a lot of problems.
Another possibility is that your motherboard my be failing.
I had the same symptoms with my old computer and shortly after it died. This is a worst case possibility. If you added any new devices I would check there first.
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