when someone calls and reception answers and you want to transfer them and then someone else from inside office calls reception, she is not able to transfer.
I have have tested, asked Somebody to call my extension while I am trying to transfer a call to voicemail and indeed I wasn't able.
I have called and told the receptionist why don't you just put them on hold and answer the internal call and then pick up the call and transfer, she said she wants to be able to transfer while someone from inside is calling. I have goggle the situation and was not able to pick up anything
Is it possible?
I have have tested, asked Somebody to call my extension while I am trying to transfer a call to voicemail and indeed I wasn't able.
I have called and told the receptionist why don't you just put them on hold and answer the internal call and then pick up the call and transfer, she said she wants to be able to transfer while someone from inside is calling. I have goggle the situation and was not able to pick up anything
Is it possible?