Hi all,
I am trying to write a small tk GUI which could interact with my Perl code running at back ground. So that when I click RUN button on GUI , it will take the arguments from GUI and run the Perl code on command line. Perl code takes 5 arguments, input file, output file, and three variables. It is working fine with command line. The variable interface between GUI and perl is not working and it seems that its not taking the values from GUI form. So there is some problem with the binding variables which I am trasfering to exec command in tk script.
I will be grateful if someone could help in fixing the code.
I am trying to write a small tk GUI which could interact with my Perl code running at back ground. So that when I click RUN button on GUI , it will take the arguments from GUI and run the Perl code on command line. Perl code takes 5 arguments, input file, output file, and three variables. It is working fine with command line. The variable interface between GUI and perl is not working and it seems that its not taking the values from GUI form. So there is some problem with the binding variables which I am trasfering to exec command in tk script.
I will be grateful if someone could help in fixing the code.
#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
button .run -text RUN
pack .run -side right
label .label1 -text "I/P file name:"
label .label2 -text "O/P file name:"
entry .entry1 -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2
set p {puts [.entry1 get]}
entry .entry2 -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2
set q {puts [.entry2 get]}
pack .label1 .entry1 -side top -padx 1m -pady 2m
pack .label2 .entry2 -side top -padx 1m -pady 2m
frame .left
frame .middle
frame .right
foreach size {1024 2048 4096} {
radiobutton .pts$size -text "$size" -relief flat -variable pts -value $size
set r {puts [.pts$size get]}
foreach val {1 2 3} {
radiobutton .vol$val -text "$val" -relief flat -variable vol -value $val
set s {puts [.vol$val get]}
foreach tech {65 90 130} {
radiobutton .nano$tech -text "$tech" -relief flat -variable nano -value $tech
set t {puts [.nano$tech get]}
pack .left -side left -padx 3m -pady 3m
pack .middle -side left -padx 3m -pady 3m
pack .right -side right -padx 3m -pady 3m
pack .pts1024 .pts2048 .pts4096 -in .left -side top -anchor w
pack .vol1 .vol2 .vol3 -in .middle -side top -anchor w
pack .nano65 .nano90 .nano130 -in .right -side top -anchor w
bind .run <Button-1> {exec $p $q $r $s $t}