Is anyone out there using Norton Internet Security 2003 successfully with Win2K Pro, IIS 5 and Visual Interdev 6?
Since upgrading from NIS2002 which used to run the above combination fine, I have not been able to get Interdev and IIS to work correctly on my home PC. Interdev will neither connect to an existing web site or create a new one through the project wizard on my PC or on a server on the local home LAN. The two main errors are NTLM Authentication Failure or a password prompt to enter the Administrators passord, except even though I am logged in as the Administrator, it will not accept the password. Pressing cancel on the dialogue informs me that I am not
authorised. Yeah right !!!
I have tried numerous combinations of firewall and program rules, including removing them and switching them all off, monitoring connections, ports and comms, monitoring components, but I can not get the damn products to work. I've even reset IIS on numerous occasions and checked IIS and Windows security down to directory and file level.
As soon as NIS2003 is uninstalled, Interdev works fine. On previous occasions I have got this to work by following the Microsoft KB articles on configuring VI and VI Server for debugging, by setting the catalog class and remote machine debugger com+ security... However, I am now working on a new machine and this does not solve the problem.
Is there a particular order of install that works? Or are there some com+ or registry settings that work? Or does NIS and IIS have to load their DLL and service components in a certain order?
Any help would be grateful... No sarcasm about
uninstalling the product please and checking the logs etc... You can turn allow all internet traffic, rules, etc and it still doesn't work
Is anyone out there using Norton Internet Security 2003 successfully with Win2K Pro, IIS 5 and Visual Interdev 6?
Since upgrading from NIS2002 which used to run the above combination fine, I have not been able to get Interdev and IIS to work correctly on my home PC. Interdev will neither connect to an existing web site or create a new one through the project wizard on my PC or on a server on the local home LAN. The two main errors are NTLM Authentication Failure or a password prompt to enter the Administrators passord, except even though I am logged in as the Administrator, it will not accept the password. Pressing cancel on the dialogue informs me that I am not
authorised. Yeah right !!!
I have tried numerous combinations of firewall and program rules, including removing them and switching them all off, monitoring connections, ports and comms, monitoring components, but I can not get the damn products to work. I've even reset IIS on numerous occasions and checked IIS and Windows security down to directory and file level.
As soon as NIS2003 is uninstalled, Interdev works fine. On previous occasions I have got this to work by following the Microsoft KB articles on configuring VI and VI Server for debugging, by setting the catalog class and remote machine debugger com+ security... However, I am now working on a new machine and this does not solve the problem.
Is there a particular order of install that works? Or are there some com+ or registry settings that work? Or does NIS and IIS have to load their DLL and service components in a certain order?
Any help would be grateful... No sarcasm about
uninstalling the product please and checking the logs etc... You can turn allow all internet traffic, rules, etc and it still doesn't work