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InterDev 6.0 Versus Norton Internet Security 1

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Jan 14, 2005
This is a bit of a question, and a bit of a tip.

First the tip part: Norton Internet Security obstructs the log-in process between VID6 and the IIS web server. Symantec even has a (very unhelpful) support topic on this entitled Interdev 6.0 cannot authenticate at the IIS Web Server with Norton Internet Security enabled. They offer no real solutions, and say they "...have not been able to reproduce the problem."

Now, there are lots of reasons folks can't get a project started, or receive errors when accessing previously set up projects, but this one is the most insidious. It happens when you have verified that you have done everything else correctly - your PWS is set up right on your development machine, and IIS is running smoothly on your server, and FP extensions are fine - all your versions are compatible and none of the componenets are corrupt. The truly insidious part of this problem is that you can get through most of a project set-up dialog - InterDev will find the web server and initially connect to it.

But, no matter how you try, you cannot log in. The only solution is to disable Norton Internet Security.

Now, the question part. Does anyone know how to get around this other than disabling NIS while developing?

Before you answer, assume that I am happy with Norton in all other regards, and that I don't have enough money to experiment with other firewall software (especially if there is no guarantee other firewalls will work where Norton fails). Also assume I prefer to leave my firewall enabled at all times.

Here's what I have already tried in Norton Internet Security:[ul][li]I defined extra "used" ports, since Norton "stealth's" or hides what it deems as "unused" ports.[/li][li]I made sure VID and FP have wide open permissions coming and going (a "program specific rule").[/li][li]I made sure my web server (its IP address) has wide open permissions coming and going (a "general rule").[/li][li]I made sure that when my web server speaks to me it does not get considered for intrusion detection.[/li][/ul]
So far, nothing has worked.

Now, I can develop locally, and then, when I need to save out changes, I just have to disable Norton, let the conversation between VID and IIS take place, and then "re-enable" my firewall...but that sucks!

Does anybody have any suggestions as to what else I can try?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You. You have unwittingly helped resolve a taxing problem of why I could not even connect to my legacy Interdev apps, NIS being the cause.

I do agree though that having to disable NIS to do any work does suck. I am sorry I cannot provide any insight to this, maybe in the last few weeks you have got somewhere with this?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Equally unhelpfully, I'm currently having the identical problem with ZoneAlarm.
Does this mean we should be looking at MS for the solution?


Glad I could be of help. Unfortunately, in the past three years I have gotten no where with this. I just want to save the world some exhasperation. I know how maddening the project set-up/connection can sometimes be - without these added problems.


Thanks for the scoop on another software firewall. I guess I should give Norton a beak then - it probably isn't their fault.

Great suggestion on moving the discussion to MS. Unfortunately, MS has long since moved on into their .NET initiative (which includes InterDev). They still support the InterDev 6.0 forums and knowledge bases, but they won't be making any changes/patches to old 6.0.

I initially started this discussion in the MS forums. Unfortunately, I only received a few completely unhelpful responses once every couple of months: "get a different firewall," or "move on to .NET," or "there is no solution to this." The MS forum for InterDev 6.0 is essentially dead, and I don't really hold out hope any more that this problem has a solution.

I think this means we'll eventually have to bite the bullet, get out of our comfort zones, spend way too much money and move on to .NET. I hear it's great.

Thanks for the comments.
Hi guys,
New to tek-tips, but I got here by googling about this issue. I started having this problem this past week after using Norton Internet Security (2003-2005) and IIS on XP for over three years without any issues until this past week. After screaming and cursing at Symantec for over a day and uninstalling and reinstalling and trying everything but reformatting I figured out what the issue is. Before Comcast unblocked my port 80 (HTTP) I was using a non-standard port (8181) for all of my HTTP requests and never had this problem. After Comcast unblocks port 80 and I change IIS to start using port 80, then the problems started. To fix this problem open up NIS, go to the OPTIONS on the toolbar and select the options for NIS. On the FIREWALL tab there is a list of HTTP ports used, delete the port that your web server is using, in my case port 80. This will allow Interdev to start working correctly.

Happy Coding!
I did try having IIS use different ports, and it didn't seem to help me. I'll give it another go and report back next week.
Thanks for posting!
Better late than never: Changing ports made no difference to my problem with ZoneAlarm
I hear ya Chris. LOL

I just saw this post for the first time.

I used to have problems setting up a "project" in IDev. I guess that it was due to Norton.. I haven't realized this up until today.

I just started new sites by creating individual pages and not an IDev "project". That has worked for me since I do all of the SQL connections manually on each page anyway. Also all of the other code that I do is Manual. I don't use any IDev controls except for the usual VB Controls.

Works for me.

Just my $.02.
There is no resolution to this issue. I have contacted Norton via phone, email, and web to no avail.

For this reason and the fact that NIS 2005 wouldn't allow sending to more than one recipient in Outlook I no longer use their software.

I know this does not help, but the ONLY solution is to disable the application, there is no workaround other than this.

As for the ZoneAlarm issue....I have not heard of this one, but you will definitely want to make sure you have everything related to Interdev in your exclude.
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