I've never used scripts and thought this looked like it should do the trick, but nothing happens, and I get zero records, yet both files have data. I followed the Help for After Query to rename a file after the integration, but I want to rename it before the integration. Is this right? I tried both Before Query or Before Integration but still zero records.
'copy C:\Data Export\B to C:Data Export\Ticket.csv'
sOldFile = "C:\Data Export\B"
sSourceFile = "C:\Data Export\Ticket.csv"
'Create a File System Object
Dim pFSO
Set pFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Copy and rename the file
'The "True" parameter indicates that if the file already
'exists in the destination, then it will be overwritten.
Call pFSO.CopyFile(sOldFile, sSourceFile, True)