Drs. Kline and Seffah of the Human-Centered Software Engineering Group at Concordia University in Montreal are recruiting participants to complete a Web survey about their experiences using IDEs, such as Borland JBuilder, Sun Forte, IBM VisualAge, or Microsoft Visual Studio. Of special interest is the usability of IDEs as described by software development professionals. The URL for this brief (about 10 minutes) and anonymous survey is
This survey is part of the HumanCASE project, which is aimed at making CASE tools more developer-centric. Examples of work in this area can be downloaded from
Thank you for your participation. (With apologies for cross-postings on related Tek-Tips Development Tools forums.)
This survey is part of the HumanCASE project, which is aimed at making CASE tools more developer-centric. Examples of work in this area can be downloaded from
Thank you for your participation. (With apologies for cross-postings on related Tek-Tips Development Tools forums.)