Like this.
sub cvt(ninteger,bitstring)
'convert integer to bit string (no padding)
'bitstring is out-param
dim dvd
bitstring=cstr(ninteger mod 2) & bitstring
if dvd<>0 then
cvt dvd,bitstring
end if
end sub
dim n,bitstr
cvt n,bitstr
response.write n & " : " & bitstr & "<br />"
Correcting a typo (a change of mind on naming during draft up). A re-take.
sub cvt(ninteger,bitstring)
'convert integer to bit string (no padding)
'bitstring is out-param
dim dvd
bitstring=cstr(ninteger mod 2) & bitstring
if dvd<>0 then
cvt dvd,bitstring
end if
end sub
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