i have a very funny question about the rpm.rte -- linux's package manager.
everything seems ok when i installed the file firstly.
but when i unistall the file, the error messages pop up --
INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets are dependents of one or more
of the selected filesets listed above. These must be removed before
or with the filesets that you selected. To remove these dependents with
the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically remove dependent
software (-g flag).
csm.client # Cluster Systems Management C...
csm.core # Cluster Systems Management Core
and how can i fix the wrong about the software dependency and uninstall rpm.rte
i have a very funny question about the rpm.rte -- linux's package manager.
everything seems ok when i installed the file firstly.
but when i unistall the file, the error messages pop up --
INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets are dependents of one or more
of the selected filesets listed above. These must be removed before
or with the filesets that you selected. To remove these dependents with
the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically remove dependent
software (-g flag).
csm.client # Cluster Systems Management C...
csm.core # Cluster Systems Management Core
and how can i fix the wrong about the software dependency and uninstall rpm.rte