I tried using group policies in win2k and now in 2003 server to install a base set of applications that we want on all our client machines. The problem I have always run into is lack of consistency in getting the policies to work. I have several .msi packages Assigned to the computers in the OU testcomputers. Sometimes I can boot a machine and the software will be installed and work. Sometimes some of it will work and some of it wont. (I know it takes several reboots sometimes to get all the packages installed, but unlimited reboots wont work sometimes) I have one client that everytime i boot it some of the .msi files are installed and working but a couple are not. For example, Acrobat Reader is not properly installed, and it says it is downloading and installing the package every time it boots, but although the message flashes up saying its downloading acrobat.msi and then installing acrobat.msi, it never actually gets installed. What Im not finding is any consistency in getting software installed. Sometimes it works, soemtimes it doesnt. I can take the same machine, uninstall the software manually, re-deploy the packages and sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. Has anybody else experienced these kinds of inconsistencies deploying software with group policies?