Can anyone tell me how to install PHP 5.0.4 on Mac OSX 10.2.8? The links to the OSX downloads at php.net point to a site that has binaries to install PHP 5.0.4 on OSX 10.3 and later, but the only version that they have available for 10.2.8 is PHP 4.3.4.
I assume that I can download the source code for PHP 5.0.4 and compile it under OSX 10.2.8, but I was uncertain as to how to do that. The installation instructions that I found at php.net for installing PHP on OSX are apparently outdated, as they refer specifically to a particular PHP 4 file that should be downloaded, and the instructions are for installing from that PHP 4 file. I didn't know if the process for compling and installing 5.0.4 would be the same.
I assume that I can download the source code for PHP 5.0.4 and compile it under OSX 10.2.8, but I was uncertain as to how to do that. The installation instructions that I found at php.net for installing PHP on OSX are apparently outdated, as they refer specifically to a particular PHP 4 file that should be downloaded, and the instructions are for installing from that PHP 4 file. I didn't know if the process for compling and installing 5.0.4 would be the same.