Spent a while on Google - and found no answers at all. Not one.
So I thought I should post it here.
I setup a Win2k3 Ent R2 server, patched it all and secured it. Also sorted out partitions and finally enabled the NTFS compression to save space on all partitions.
I installed MOSS 2007 Ent in standalone mode, and during the 'Applying Update' (I think, maybe have been 'checking' or something else regarding update) I got a crash. The usual send error report to MS etc.
However the product looked to be installed OK. Did a boot and on the configuration wizard got:
After a lot of research, if you use the standalone option that installs MS SQL Server 2005 Express the installation of SQL fails. Why... because it won't install in a folder that has NTFS compression on it.
I simply removed compression from the C:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\ folder, applied to sub folders and it installed fine.
Sure the SQL guru's will know that already, but as I mentioned there was nothing for that error on Google..!
(And to cap it off I also need to install Project Server 2007 on the same machine - so I needed SQL 2005 propper edition anyway!!! AAAHHHH!)
Hope this helps someone!
"They have the internet on computers now!" - Homer Simpson
So I thought I should post it here.
I setup a Win2k3 Ent R2 server, patched it all and secured it. Also sorted out partitions and finally enabled the NTFS compression to save space on all partitions.
I installed MOSS 2007 Ent in standalone mode, and during the 'Applying Update' (I think, maybe have been 'checking' or something else regarding update) I got a crash. The usual send error report to MS etc.
However the product looked to be installed OK. Did a boot and on the configuration wizard got:
"Failed to start the database service MSSQL$OfficeServers. Repair this product using Add/Remove Programs”
After a lot of research, if you use the standalone option that installs MS SQL Server 2005 Express the installation of SQL fails. Why... because it won't install in a folder that has NTFS compression on it.
I simply removed compression from the C:\Program files\Microsoft SQL Server\ folder, applied to sub folders and it installed fine.
Sure the SQL guru's will know that already, but as I mentioned there was nothing for that error on Google..!
(And to cap it off I also need to install Project Server 2007 on the same machine - so I needed SQL 2005 propper edition anyway!!! AAAHHHH!)
Hope this helps someone!
"They have the internet on computers now!" - Homer Simpson