Hi. I need to install antivirus on 500 computers. I don´t want the computers to access internet to get the updates, So how can I just download the antivirus updates in one computer and sent those upadtes to all of the computers.
You can do that with e.g. McAfee AV Enterprise + ePo (=e policy Server).
Once you've checked in the Anti virus client, you can distribute it to all desired clients in your domain.
The daily updates will be downloaded to the server and distributed from there to your clients.
You will need 500 licences of course.
[navy]"We had to turn off that service to comply with the CDA Bill."[/navy]
- The Bastard Operator From Hell
We use Computer Associates' eTrust Inoculate IT. It has a central management console and you can push out updates and policies.
I know that a lot of people don't like/want anything to do with Computer Associate's anti-virus products but I've found that if it is properly configured it is virtually problem free.
I particularly like it for our audit notebooks that can be out of the office for weeks at a time. If the laptop has enforced policies applied then those policies remain in effect even when the notebook is disconnected from the network for extended periods.
Hope this helps.
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